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Alban, dost thou hesitate, man?" "No, not an instant," said Harold, stung to the quick. "Not, couldst thou offer me all Mercia as her dower, would I wed the daughter of Algar; and bend my knee, as a son to a wife's father, to the man who despises my lineage, while he truckles to my power."

That if such monies as aforesaid be permitted to pass in this nation, all persons that have gold or silver by them would not part therewith, but Brass money must be carried from House to House on Truckles, and in the county by carts and horses, with troops to guard them. 8th. That such money will raise the price of all commodities from abroad, probably to three or four hundred per cent. 9th.

"Charles," replied the Countess, "with his usual selfish prudence, truckles to the storm; and will let cord and axe do their work on the most innocent men in his dominions, rather than lose an hour of pleasure in attempting their rescue.

And it belongs on the shoulders of that Mrs. Jack Ruthven Alixe Ruthven whose name you may see in the columns of any paper that truckles to the sort of society she figures in." Austin stood up, thrust his big hands into his pockets, paced the room for a few moments, and halted before Gerald.

Though he is honest and said to be well-meaning, his ego explodes in the presence of other self-assertive egos. When a man truckles to him he is angry at his insincerity; when the other disputes his statements, or even offers other views, he finds himself confronted by one who has taken deep offense. As a result G. has no real friends, and this has added fuel to his anger.

The thought of suicide is a great consolation: by means of it one gets successfully through many a bad night. Not only our reason, but also our conscience, truckles to our strongest impulse the tyrant in us. One MUST repay good and ill; but why just to the person who did us good or ill? One no longer loves one's knowledge sufficiently after one has communicated it.

She's pretty, you know; besides, she makes herself a regular slave to him, and truckles to him in everything, as I could never do. 'Perhaps she is overcoming evil with good. 'I am afraid it is more like being overcome of evil. No, no, dear Miss Mary, don't be shocked.

A judge who on the bench either truckles to the mob or bows down before a corporation; or who, having left the bench to become a corporation lawyer, seeks to aid his clients by denouncing as enemies of property all those who seek to stop the abuses of the criminal rich; such a man performs an even worse service to the body politic than the Legislator or Executive who goes wrong.

The Cæsars gave to their people "Bread and the circus!" But they did not usually enter the arena themselves save in the case of the incomparable bowman of Rome, and then only when he knew that no one dared stand against him. But Boyd Connoway fought many a losing fight that his small citizens might wriggle with delight on their truckles. "The Christians to the lions!" Yes, that was noble.

From this account of herself you will be able to infer that the Ayah is not a favourite with the other servants; but she is powerful, and so with oriental prudence they veil their feelings. The butler indeed, tries to be proud and risks ruin, but the mussaul truckles to her, and the cook, who can spoil her dinner, and has some control over her, trims between her and the butler.