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The b'ys of the rigimint shtandin' shoulder to shoulder, an' the faces av 'm blue wid powder, an' red wid blood, an' the bits o' b'ys droppin' round me loike twigs of an' ould tree in a shtorm. Just a cry an' a bit av a gurgle tru the teeth, an' divil the wan o' thim would see the Liffey side anny more. "'The Roosians are chargin'! shouts Sergeant-Major Kilpatrick.

Therefor ons again, kniling with humblenes of my hart, bicause I am not sufferd to bow the knees of my body, I humby crave to speke with your higthnis; wiche I wolde not be so bold to desier, if I knewe my selfe most clere as I knowe myselfe most tru. And as for the traitor Wiat, he migth paraventur writ me a lettar; but, on my faithe, I never receved any from him.

Afterward more nor an hour, she cum out ain being carred in his harmes. And if your ladishipp dont believ me, let your ladishipp rite to miss elizbeth, as had this same misfortune to see as your tru frend, "The Riter." In due course this charming communication reached Lady Honoria, bearing a London post-mark. She read and re-read it, and soon mastered its meaning. The answer came by return.

"If one inch of you enter there, I will fire understand that." Then we heard a shot, but knew by the report that it was not Harry's gun, and Drake called down the stairs, "Clump, who fired?" "De smugglers, Massa; one den shoot tru de winder at Massa Clare, but tank de Lor, the scoundrel miss."

"Oh, that is it, Clump consolation, eh? Well, I must get a pipe some time and try it," I said. "No, Massa Bob," joined in Juno, who was knocking out the ashes from her pipe on the head of the fire-dog "no, Massa Bob you'se munno 'moke. 'Spects, ef you'se do, you find de way tur constollaton, dat ole Clump talk of, cum tru much tribble-laison he! he! he!" I had to laugh at the old woman's wit.

In the stanza following upon this, Traherne makes a statement which is of particular importance in the context of our present discussion. After some additional description of the absence of all bodily needs he says: 'Without disturbance then I did receiv The tru Ideas of all Things' The manuscript of this poem shows a small alteration in Traherne's hand in the second of these two lines.

or: "Ole Massa take dat new brown coat, And hang it on de wall; Dat darkey take dat same old coat, And wear it to de ball, Oh, don't you hear my tru lub sing?" It was in their religious song, however that they poured out their souls. Three things are especially emphasized in these song. First this life is full of sorrow or trouble: "Nobody knows da truble I sees, Nobody but Jesus."

He breathe up tru dat, and suck in his drink like sherry-cobbler through a straw. Whar dere is no little air holes, dere is no clam, dat are a fac. Now, Massa, can you tell who is de most knowin' clam-digger in de worl? De gull is, Massa; and he eat his clam raw, as some folks who don't know nuffin' bout cookin' eat oysters.

"I've done that very thing myself many a time! Just place a good hard tru I mean stone, with a bit of common dust sprinkled over it, in the middle of the rut, and they'll look out for THAT rut for some time to come." "Ain't it gorgeous," said the husky road-worker, chuckling joyfully, "to see 'em bump?" "It is," said I "gorgeous."

If you dreams of you teeth falling out is a tru sign of death and if youse dreams of a marriage is nuther tru sign of death. "If I dream of a naked purson I'se is sho to die. No cat mus come in wen dar is a ded body for de cat will sho eat de body. "If a cat crosses youse path to de left some kind of bad luck is sho to overtake on yer journey.