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The clergy, in full canonicals, were at their head, and after them a troop of young girls dressed in white, the first of whom presented the keys on a silk cushion, and petitioned "the great hero" for mercy. "Oh, my mother!" thought he, as he took the keys, "you the avenged. The despised abbe has proved to the King of France that he is not a weakling unworthy of wearing a sword!"

I have more pleasure in a snug farm-house than a watch-tower, and a troop of tidy, happy villages please me better than the finest banditti in the world." Marianne looked with amazement at Edward, with compassion at her sister. Elinor only laughed. The subject was continued no farther; and Marianne remained thoughtfully silent, till a new object suddenly engaged her attention.

"You had goods with you, and horses, I believe, when you were captured," said the former. "Ay, that we had. Yonder stand the horses, under the pine-tree, along wi' the rest o' the Redskin troop; an' a hard time they've had o't, as their bones may tell without speakin'. As for the goods," he continued, glancing round the camp, "I don't know where ah! yes, there they be in the old pack.

The light was now growing so rapidly that when, a few minutes after, a troop of horses went trotting past, I could see that, although the largest of them were no bigger than the smallest Shetland pony, they must yet be full-grown, so perfect were they in form, and so much had they all the ways and action of great horses. They were of many breeds.

Dinner was now over, and Sergeant Latham came to report that the hour for the halt was up, and to ask what were the Lieutenant’s orders. “Have the troop ready, and we will return to camp. I see nothing more we can accomplish here,” answered the Lieutenant.

The "C" Troop chronicler, noting details, be it remembered, from his position immediately in rear of the cavalry force which first charged, describes its composition and formation thus: Front squad. 5th Dr. Guards. 1st squad. Greys. 2nd squad. Inniskillings. Rear squad. 5th Dr. Guards. 2nd squad. Greys. in all five squadrons, instead of Mr. Kinglake's three.

Then how a line of foam appears on the Lagoon, which is supposed at first to be a shoal of fish, but turns out to be a troop of naked island beauties, swimming out to the ship. The decent missionaries were certainly guiltless of putting that into my head, whether they ever saw it or not a great many things happening in the South Seas of which they find it convenient to say nothing.

After a company of musketeers, a closely ranked troop of gentlemen, came the litter of monsieur le cardinal, drawn like a carriage by four black horses. The pages and people of the cardinal marched behind. Next came the carriage of the queen-mother, with her maids of honor at the doors, her gentlemen on horseback at both sides.

Mile after mile they journeyed, a troop of interested people coming after, the sun and the clear sweet air, the waving grass, the occasional clearings where settlers had driven in the tent-pegs of home, the forest now and then swallowing them, the mountains rising above them like a blank wall, and then suddenly opening out before them; and the rustle and scamper of squirrels and coyotes; and over their heads the whistle of birds, the slow beat of wings of great wild-fowl.

When Foley brought his troop to a halt, Captain Fairbanks, at the head of the first company of Scouts, was at the point where the first volley of musketry had been received. The narrow lane was crowded by a dense mass of struggling horses, and filled with the tumult of battle.