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All the head that I saw the monster possessed of was one of those Hessian canteens which resemble a large snuff-box with a hole in the middle of the lid. "I zay," said he, "you mos pe dronk as de pig, vor zit dare and not zee me zit ere; and I zay, doo, you mos pe pigger vool as de goose, vor to dispelief vat iz print in de print. 'Tiz de troof dat it iz ebery vord ob it."

"Now, Pete, get after him." But the negro fairly blubbered in terror. "Lordy, lordy," he cried, "an' what yo' goin' t' do to a po' ol' niggeh. Ah'll do an'thin' yo' say, Ah'll tell yo' de troof about de sponge fahms, an'thin', onl' don' go afteh dat vampa." "You'll tell me the truth about the sponge farms, eh?" the prospective buyer remarked sternly. "So you were trying to put up a crooked deal.

"Yas-suh; and wif the lobstuh, suh, Ah venture to sug-gest a nice cold lil ha'f-pint of Cliquot, Yallah Label? How that strike yo' fancy, suh? Er mebbe yo'd perfuh " "Enough!" said P. Sybarite firmly. "A mere bite and a glass are enough to sustain life." "Ain't that the troof?" Chuckling, the negro waddled away, returned, and offered the guest a glass brimming with amber-tinted liquid.

"Look a yere, Marse Marcy," said Julius, "Marse Jack done tol' me it plum time for me to stan' by to tell what's de troof, an' I ain't done nuffin else sence he tol' me dat. De Yankees did guv you dat hand, you done got one brother in de navy, an' dat's all I tol' dat rebel. I didn't say you a rebel you'self, kase dat would be a plum lie; an' all de black ones knows it."

"By golly! you speak de troof. It wa jess like that, jess like the lass s'riek ob Massa Grow." "And yet," continued the sailor, after a moment's reflection, "'t warn't like that neyther. 'T warn't human, nohow: leastwise, I niver heerd such come out o' a human throat." "A don't blieb de big raff can be near. We hab been runnin' down de wind ebba since you knock off dat boat-hook.

I had never seen the good old negro look so dispirited, and I feared that some serious disaster had befallen my friend. "Well, Jup," said I, "what is the matter now? how is your master?" "Why, to speak de troof, massa, him not so berry well as mought be." "Not well! I am truly sorry to hear it. What does he complain of?" "Dar! dat's it! him neber plain of notin but him berry sick for all dat."

He scrooch down dis a way, so he kin look in de suller." said Julius, bending forward until his back was nearly on a level with the gunwales of the boat, "an' I whack him behine de ear, an' he drap so quick he don't know what hit him. Dat's de troof, sure's you born."

"Why, yes," said I; "but being fore and aft, you know! It isn't as if we'd got courses to hand and topsails to reef." "Ay, ay, dat's de troof," cried Billy Pitt. "I tort o' dat. Fore an' aft makes de difference. Don't guess I should hab volunteer had she been a brig." "There are four of us," said I. "You're my chief mate, Wilkinson. Choose your watch."

Dey went inter fahmin', en I speck ef de troof wuz ter come out, dey kep' sto', en had der camp-meetin' times en der bobbycues w'en de wedder wuz 'greeble." Uncle Remus evidently thought that the little boy wouldn't like to hear of any further discomfiture of Brer Rabbit, who had come to be a sort of hero, and he was not mistaken.

Why do you wish to see your master, if you are so offended as to have forsaken him. What is your reason for staying behind?" "Don't know," vaguely responded the Kaffir. "Dis fool Congo don't know nuffin'." "Der's one thing I mus say for Congo," said Swartboy, "he mos allers tell the troof. He jus done so now." The Kaffir smiled as though satisfied with Swartboy's remark.