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"Tell me, great sir," said the captain, "what do you think the final decision on this case should be?" He shoved the sheaf of papers across the desk to The Guesser. The Guesser looked at them unseeingly, his mind in a whirl. For five days now, the captain of the Trobwell had been handing him papers and asking him questions of that sort.

He was hard put to do it, but he managed to stride purposefully across the great spacefield toward the towering bulk of the Trobwell without betraying that fear. If they caught him now He closed his mind against the thought and kept on walking. At the base of the landing cradle, a Class Four guard was standing stolidly. He bowed his head and saluted as The Guesser walked by. It's so easy!

How did you ever think you'd get away with it?" He paused, then barked: "Come on! Explain!" "It was the only way I could think of to get back to the Naipor, great sir," said The Guesser weakly. The captain leaned back slowly in his seat. "Well, there's one extenuating circumstance. The officers of the Trobwell reported that you were a fine source of amusement during the trip.

"What's the name of the ship?" he asked. "Th-the Trobwell." "What's the matter with you?" he asked, suddenly and harshly. She shivered. "Scared. Awful scared." "I thought so. Have you got the clothing?" "Y-yes." Then she broke down completely. "You got to help me! You got to show me how to act like Exec lady! Show me how to talk! Otherwise, we both get caught!" He shook her to quiet her.

"I'm sure we do, great sir; I'll have the Quarters Officer set one up for you immediately." "Excellent," said The Guesser. "Excellent." Fifteen minutes later, the Trobwell lifted from the planet exactly on schedule. The Guesser, in his assigned room, breathed a deep sigh of relief. He was on his way to D'Graski's Planet at last!

By the time the Trobwell reached D'Graski's Planet, he was actually physically ill from the strain. One of the worst times had come during an attack by Misfit ships. He had remained prone on his bed, his mind tensing at each change of acceleration in the ship. Without the screens and computer to give him data, he couldn't Guess, and yet he kept trying; he couldn't stop himself.