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Cyril, Maximus, Damascen; which is a demonstration, that however 'he might mistake' their explication of it, from the unity of human nature, they were far enough from Tritheism, or one collective God. This is most uncandid.

It is probably in his notion of Divine personality that Mr. D'Arcy comes most in conflict with the technicalities of later schools. If, as he says, modern theology oscillates between the poles of Sabellianism and Tritheism, he himself inclines to the latter pole. Father de Regnon, S.J., in his work on the Trinity, shows that the Greek Fathers and the Latin viewed the problem from opposite ends.

But in the Pagan and Oriental religions this trinity was nothing else but a tritheism. Noachidae, or Noachites, the descendants of Noah.

But I consider it to be much later than either, and actually a work of Philo's. The language is very similar to Philo's; flowing, lively and happy. But indeed I know no instance of assertions made so audaciously, or of passages misrepresented and even mistranslated so grossly, as in this work of Whitaker. His system is absolute naked Tritheism. Ib.

Ib. I am sure St. Gregory was so far from suspecting that he should be charged with Tritheism upon this account, that he fences against another charge of mixing and confounding the 'Hypostases' or Persons, by denying any difference or diversity of nature, [Greek: hôs ek tou m

This is just what I have said, p. 116. Whether Sabellianism or Tritheism, I observed is hard to determine. Extremes meet. Ib. p. 121. Secondly, to this 'homo-ousiotes' the Fathers added a numerical unity of the divine essence.

On the whole, I saw, that however people might call themselves Trinitarians, yet if, like Stuart and all the Evangelicals in Church and Dissent, they turn into a dead letter the generation of the Son of God, and the procession of the Spirit, nothing is possible but Sabellianism or Tritheism: or, indeed, Ditheism, if the Spirit's separate personality is not held.

But this is either Tritheism or Sabellianism; it is hard to say which. Either the [Greek: Boúlaema] subsists in the Son, and in the Holy Ghost, and not merely passes through them, and then there would be three numerical [Greek: Bouláemata], as well as three numerical Persons: 'ergo', [Greek: treis theoì

South, published treatises against Dr. Sherlock, which, while avoiding the Scylla of Tritheism, ran dangerously near to the Charybdis of Sabellianism.

"The cleansing stream I see, I see, I plunge and oh, it cleanseth me. It cleanseth me. Yes, cleanseth me." As already intimated all the persons of the adorable Trinity are concerned in the work of entirely sanctifying a human soul. And this is naturally to be expected, because God is one Trinitarianism is not Tritheism.