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In return, he solicits very precise information, by the next post, respecting the fortune of M. le Baron Tripeaud, banker and manufacturer, with whom he has business transactions." "Answer that point evasively. Van Dael as yet has only shown zeal; complete the information respecting Djalma from these new tidings." Rodin wrote.

Tripeaud, who was not in the secret of the new plans of the doctor and the abbe in a low voice faltered to the latter, with a stupefied air, "What! will you let her go?" "Yes, yes," answered D'Aigrigny abruptly, making a sign that he should listen to the princess, who was about to speak.

At this instant the folding-doors were thrown open, and the valet announced: "The Baron Tripeaud!" Dr. Baleinier put his pamphlet into his pocket, made the most cordial bow to the financier, and even rose to give him his hand. The baron entered the room, overwhelming every one with salutations. "I have the honor to attend the orders of your highness the princess.

Misery is easily excited to anger, and ignorance soon yields to perfidious counsels. For a long time, the happiness of M. Hardy's workmen had been naturally envied, but not with a jealousy amounting to hatred. As soon, however, as the secret enemies of the manufacturer, uniting with his rival Baron Tripeaud, had an interest in changing this peaceful state of things it changed accordingly.

"Well, it is clear, that you do not like your old master," said Dumoulin, more and more surprised at his Amphitryon's gloomy and thoughtful air, and, regretting that the conversation had taken this serious turn, he whispered a few words in the ear of the Bacchanal Queen, who answered by a sign of intelligence. "I don't like M. Tripeaud!" exclaimed Jacques. "I hate him and shall I tell you why?

"In my last letter, in which I announced to you the death of Djalma's father, and his own imprisonment by the English, I asked for some information as to the solvency of Baron Tripeaud, banker and manufacturer at Paris, who has also an agency at Calcutta.

"The fact will stand, however, in the report," said Tripeaud, "until the explanation is given."

We count, with reason, upon this worthy and respectable relative, and on the Baron Tripeaud, to oppose and repress the singular, unheard-of designs which this young person, as resolute as independent, does not fear to avow and which, unfortunately, cannot be turned to account in the interest of the affair in question for " Rodin was here interrupted by two discreet taps at the door.

"The big blaster did it all," said another; "the true Wolves wash their hands of him. We shall soon settle his account." "We may fight every day but we ought to esteem each other." Some of these wretches, still further excited by the little man with the ferret's face, a secret emissary of Baron Tripeaud, now rushed in a mass towards the workshops of M. Hardy. Then began a lamentable devastation.

Adrienne" continued the doctor with a singular smile aside, "that she promised me a copy of one of Raphael's Madonnas for this chapel." "Really? very appropriate!" said the princess. "But here it is almost noon, and M. Tripeaud has not come."