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"Where's your papa?" "He's dorn away too. He's sick. He's been dorn" she hesitated "two, free, days." "Who takes care of you, child?" said Mrs. Tretherick, eying her curiously. "John, the Chinaman. I tresses myselth. John tooks and makes the beds." "Well, now, run away and behave yourself, and don't bother me any more," said Mrs. Tretherick, remembering the object of her visit.

James Tretherick, an old resident of this place, died last night of delirium tremens. Mr. Tretherick was addicted to intemperate habits, said to have been induced by domestic trouble. Mrs. Tretherick did not start. She quietly turned over another page of the paper, and glanced at Carry. The child was absorbed in a book. Mrs.

Tarowline Tretherick." "Whose child ARE you?" demanded Mrs. Tretherick still more coldly, to keep down a rising fear. "Why, yours," said the little creature with a laugh. "I'm your little durl. You're my mamma, my new mamma. Don't you know my ole mamma's dorn away, never to turn back any more? I don't live wid my ol' mamma now. I live wid you and papa." "How long have you been here?" asked Mrs.

The child retreated a step, and then, gaining courage with the distance, said in deliciously imperfect speech, "Dow 'way then! why don't you dow away?" But Mrs. Tretherick was eying the shawl. Suddenly she whipped it off the child's shoulders, and said angrily, "How dared you take my things, you bad child?" "Is it yours? Then you are my mamma; ain't you?

Tretherick was himself dimly conscious of a certain hidden sentiment in his own nature; and it is possible that some reflections on the vanity of his pursuit he supplied several mining camps with whisky and tobacco in conjunction with the dreariness of the dusty plain on which he habitually drove, may have touched some chord in sympathy with this sensitive woman.

"The whole proceeding is calculated to injure the prospects, and compromise the position, of Miss Tretherick in society," suggested Mr. Robinson. In vain Mr. Prince urged the failing condition of Mrs. Starbottle, her absolute freedom from complicity with Carry's flight, the pardonable and natural instincts of the girl, and his own assurance that they were willing to abide by her decision.

The cause of the affray is not known, although it is hinted that there is a lady in the case. The rumor that points to a well-known and beautiful poetess whose lucubrations have often graced our columns seems to gain credence from those that are posted." Meanwhile the passiveness displayed by Tretherick under these trying circumstances was fully appreciated in the gulches.

Possibly Mrs. Tretherick may have heard something like it before, and was enabled to fill the hiatus. Nevertheless, the cheek that was on the side of the colonel was quite virginal and bashfully conscious until they reached their destination.

"Stop where are you going?" she added, as the child began to ascend the stairs, dragging the long doll after her by one helpless leg. "Doin up stairs to play and be dood, and no bother mamma." "I ain't your mamma," shouted Mrs. Tretherick, and then she swiftly re-entered her bedroom, and slammed the door.

Yet it is my duty to state that Ah Fe's long fingers closed promptly and firmly over the half-dollar which Mrs. Tretherick extended to him. Then he began to fumble in his blouse with a series of extraordinary contortions. After a few moments, he extracted from apparently no particular place a child's apron, which he laid upon the basket with the remark: "One piecee washman flagittee."