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Besides, sir, you do not seem to remember that, if the claim of Banks, Tressell, & Sons, is good, it relieves my father's memory of the only imputation that now lies against it that of being a bankrupt." "Ay !" he cried hoarsely, "but it makes me one me, your uncle." "And what reason, sir, have I to remember or to heed this relationship?" I demanded sternly, with a glance beneath which he quailed.

The hurts of Perkins did not, unhappily, delay the progress of my uncle to that destruction to which his silly wife and knavish lawyer had destined him. His business was brought before the court by the claimants, Messrs. Banks & Tressell; and a brief period only was left him for putting in his answer.

I need not repeat the arguments and entreaties by which I succeeded in persuading my uncle to accede to the only arrangement which could possibly have rescued him from the public exposure which was impending; but he did consent, and, armed with his credentials, I proceeded to the office of Banks & Tressell, without loss of time.

Perkins was regularly installed as his defender his counsellor, private and public and I was compelled, though with humiliating reluctance, to admit to the plaintiffs, Banks & Tressell, that there was no longer any hope of compromise. The issue on which hung equally his fortune and his reputation was insanely challenged by my uncle.

It is true I had not committed him to Banks & Tressell the suggestions which I had made for the arrangement were all proposed as a something which I might be able to bring about in a future conference with him but I was too anxious to save him from his lamentable folly from that miserable love of money, which, overreaching itself in its blindness, as does every passion was not only about to deliver him to shame but to destitution also.