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Other megalithic monuments were not less rich in relics. Thirty hatchets were picked up at Tumiac; more than a hundred, nearly all of tremolite, at Mane-er-H'roek; which were remarkable for their regularity of form, their polish, and the variety of their colors.

MacCulloch mentions a sandstone in Skye, which may be moulded like dough when first found; and some simple minerals, which are rigid and as hard as glass in our cabinets, are often flexible and soft in their native beds: this is the case with asbestos, sahlite, tremolite, and chalcedony, and it is reported also to happen in the case of the beryl.

There was Ferdinand Fitz-Fossillus Feltspar. He informed us all about internal fires and tertiary formations; about aeeriforms, fluidiforms, and solidiforms; about quartz and marl; about schist and schorl; about gypsum and trap; about talc and calc; about blende and horn-blende; about mica-slate and pudding-stone; about cyanite and lepidolite; about hematite and tremolite; about antimony and calcedony; about manganese and whatever you please.

Tremolite is quite abundant on a large mass of limestone in the extreme upper quarry, which is a short distance east of the main one, over a small hill. The tremolite occurs in white crystals, about a quarter inch in width and from a half to three inches in length. The crystals are opaque, but very smooth and glistening, lining cavities in this mass of limestone.

At Rancie the lias nearest the granite is not only filled with iron-ore, but charged with pyrites, tremolite, garnet, and a new mineral somewhat allied to feldspar, called, from the place in the Pyrenees where it occurs, "couzeranite." "Hornblende-schist," says Dr.

Between it and its walk of gneiss occur veins of the minerals so characteristic of the locality, and for which it has become famous serpentine, asbestos, phlozopite, gurhofite pyrites, biotite, aragonite, dolomite, tremolite, and possibly others in lesser quantity. Serpentine.

The mica in recent volcanic rocks, gabbros, and diorites is usually Biotite, while that so common in metamorphic limestones is usually, if not always, Phlogopite. Amphibole is a general name for all the different varieties of Hornblende, Actinolite, Tremolite, etc., while Pyroxene includes Augite, Diallage, Malacolite, Sahlite, etc.

Tridymite: 100.0 2.3. Orthoclase. Orthoclase. Albite. Oligoclase. Oligoclase. Labradorite. Labradorite. Anorthite. Anorthite. Leucite. Nepheline. Nepheline. Muscovite. Lepidolite. Li 4.85. Biotite. Biotite. Phlogopite. Margarite. Chlorite. Rapidolite. Talc. 63.00 .... .... trace .... 33.60 .... .... W 3.10 2.78. Tremolite. St. Actinolite. Hornblende. Uralite. Augite. Augite. Diallage.

The northern cases are numbered from 31 to 37. In the first case are varieties of felspar; in the second case are micaceous and other mineral substances; in the third case are basaltic hornblende, tremolite, &c.; in the fourth case are varieties of asbestus, which defies the action of fire; jeffersonite; jenite from the Elba, &c.; in the fifth case are various pyroxenic minerals; in the sixth case are various kinds of garnets, including the lime and chrome varieties; and in the 37th case are the silicates, including beryls, and the emerald.

Tremolite or grammatite of HAUeY, in the same place. These two last-mentioned substances were in terminated crystals. Red oxyd of titanium, in the same place. Crystallized sulphate of strontia, in the mines of Villefort in La Lozere, in the environs of Paris, at Bartelemont, near the Salterns in the department of La Meurthe. Fibrous and crystallized sulphate of strontia, at Bouvron, near Toul.