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Do you do you think that it is a good er place for investment?" "Well," said Captain Tremain, pausing, "I am not so sure about that. You see, their Government is so very unstable. The country itself is rich enough in mineral wealth, if that is what you mean." All the while Howard stood there with his mouth agape, and I felt like shoving my fist into it.

It was quite evident that Mrs. Tremain had all the superstition of Mexico. Glendenning fumbled with the ring one way and another, and finally said, "I cannot put it together." "Let me try," said young Howard. "No, no, that will do no good." Saying which Mrs.

On the contrary, Nancy's considerable circle of acquaintances had smilingly approved. All the world loves a masterful lover, and Nancy Tremain was far too pretty, far too singular and charming, to become engaged in the course of nature to some commonplace young man. This big, ugly, clever, amusing artist was just the contrast which was needed for romance.

One evening I came down the forward narrow staircase, that leads to the long corridor running from the saloon, and met, under the electric light at the foot, Mrs. Tremain, young Howard, and Glendenning. They were evidently about to ascend the stairway; but, seeing me come down, they paused, and I stopped for a moment to have a chat with them, and see how things were going on.

But an English marriage settlement especially when the lady has the money, which was the case with Miss Tremain cannot be drawn up in a few days. Nancy herself was willing to assent to everything he wished; in fact I had to point out to her that it is impossible to get engaged on Monday and married on Tuesday!

Tremain saw that, and she laughed at me, although I could see she was rather disturbed herself." Some time that night we touched at Queenstown, and next evening we were in Liverpool. When the inevitable explosion came, I have no means of knowing, and this, as I have said before, is a story without a conclusion. Mrs.

Tremain, turning it round and round. "This is a Mexican charmed ring. There is a secret about it, see if you can find it out." And with that she pulled off the ring, and handed it to Glendenning. "You ought to give it to him as a keepsake," said young Howard, aggressively. "The ring, I notice, is a couple of snakes twisted together." "Little boys," said Mrs.

Tremain snatched the links from Glendenning, slipped them into one ring again, put it on her finger, and dashed quickly up the stairs without saying a word of good night to any of us. Glendenning was about to proceed up the stair after her, when young Howard very ostentatiously placed himself directly in his path.

A girl who goes about by herself as much as Nancy Tremain had gone about alone during the three years which had elapsed betwixt her leaving school and her marriage, obtains a considerable knowledge of men, and not of the nicest kind of men. But Jack was an angel she repeated the rather absurdly incongruous word to herself with a very tender feeling in her heart.

Tremain, laughing, "shouldn't make remarks like that. They lead to trouble." Young Howard flushed angrily as Mrs. Tremain said this. He did not seem to mind it when Glendenning accused him of his youth, but he didn't like it coming from her. Meanwhile Glendenning was examining the ring, and suddenly it came apart in his hand.