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Love! Wine! France! glory and tr treas " Very soon the snorings of the two friends were added to the music with which the rooms resounded an ineffectual concert! The lights went out one by one, their crystal sconces cracking in the final flare.

But was Thompson disgraced by all this mean and contemptible and wicked chicanery and malice? No more than was Paul, when in consequence of a vision he had seen at Treas, he went over the Macedonia to help the Christians there, and was beaten and imprisoned, because he cast out a spirit of divination from a young damsel which had brought much gain to her masters.

An honest man would have been afraid, whereas I am sure of coming to an understanding with you," cried the Duke. "Oh, my worthy deliverer, you must be armed to the teeth." "Do you happen to have " "Yes, files, pincers Corpo di Bacco! I came to borrow the treas- ures of the Bracciani on a long loan."

And when the snows of winter successively gave way to muddy streets and then to clean pavements in the city of Granville, a new gilt sign was lettered across the windows of the brokerage office in which Paul Lorimer was housed. P. H. Lorimer, Pres. J. L. Brooks, Sec.-Treas. William Wagstaff, Manager. So it ran. Bill was commissioned in the army of business at last.

+ + | | | McQuiggan & Straight | | STREAKY MOUNTAIN COPPER COMPANY | | Orsten, Palas County, Nev. | | | | | | L.P. MCQUIGGAN ARTHUR STRAIGHT | | President Vice-Pres. & Treas. | | | + + "Any good?" queried the Doctor. "Best undeveloped property in the State." "Why don't you develop it?" "Capital." "Get the capital." "Will you help me?" "Sure." "How?" "Advertise." "Advertising costs money."

At my residence, which adjoined the Democrat office, I held fortnightly receptions, at which dancing was the amusement, and coffee and sandwiches the refreshments. At one of these, I had the honor to entertain Gov. Ramsey, Lieut.-Gov. Donnelly, State Treas. Shaeffer, and a large delegation from St. Paul; but not having plates for seventy people, I substituted squares of white printing paper.

Twenty-five Thousand 00/100.........Dollars $25,000.00/100 W. J. REYNOLDS Co., per CHAS. M. BROWN, Treas. How completely people may change, even within a few hours, was well illustrated as they stood side by side and regarded their work with as much pride as if it had been the result of their honest efforts of years.

In return for the use of half of your stand on this occasion the senior class of our academy will put up a silver cup as a trophy, said trophy to go to the club winning the game, and to belong to that club which shall during matches to be arranged in the future win the cup three times. "Per Fred Harrison, Secy and Treas.

W. J. REYNOLDS Co., per CHAS. M. BROWN, Treas. It flashed over him in a moment what to do. Twenty-five thousand would just about cover his shortage. The Reynolds firm was a big one, doing big transactions. He slipped the check into his pocket. The check might have been stolen in the mail. Why not?

An honest man would have been afraid, whereas I am sure of coming to an understanding with you," cried the Duke. "Oh, my worthy deliverer, you must be armed to the teeth." "Do you happen to have " "Yes, files, pincers Corpo di Bacco! I came to borrow the treas- ures of the Bracciani on a long loan."