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Berry said yes to you, you probably made her think it was a duty to humanity!" When the maid returned with the trayful of things they had asked for, there was also a goodly plate of frosted cakes and a dish of fruit. "In case you might feel hungry," she explained. "Mrs. Berry was saying the other day, how hungry young folks do be gettin'. Shall I return for the tray, miss?"

He said "Thank you," in his natural voice, which surprised him in the silence; but she went off without replying and he saw that it was a trayful of glasses that had tinkled as she had come towards him. Dark as it was he noticed the self-conscious tilt of the nurse's body as she walked silently to the next cot, holding the tray of glasses in front of her.

After much effort, he succeeded in forcing his swollen feet into his boots. In the midst Yuki, the Jap cook, appeared before the low entrance of the tent and sank down on his knees to set a trayful of food beside the occupant. He hissed a pleasant, "Good morning, Mistah Lafe!" and was gone before Ashton could reply.

I cannot tell what I expected; a million's worth of diamonds might perhaps have pleased me; my cheeks burned, my heart throbbed to bursting; and lo! there was disclosed but a trayful of papers, neatly taped, and a cheque-book of the customary pattern. I made a snatch at the tray to see what was beneath, but the captain's hand fell on mine, heavy and hard.

The cook had another trayful of food, which he passed to Dick in silence, taking the other tray in exchange. "Where is Captain Langless?" asked Tom. "Can't come now," answered the cook. "Then send the Baxters here." "They can't come either." "Have they gone ashore?" questioned Dick. "I can't answer any questions," and the cook started to back out. "Who is in charge? We must see somebody."

The entire feat had been accomplished in 6:34 1/2, setting a new world's record for red-headed farmer boys with one splay foot. In the remaining twenty five and one half seconds Willie walked what seemed to him a mile from his seat to the cashier's desk and at the last instant bumped into a waitress with a trayful of dishes.

She drew her favourite chair up before the fire, took a book off the table, and seated herself resolutely to read. She was determined to put off thought to let events take their course, and cease tormenting herself, for to-night at least. Eunice brought up the tea and a little trayful of dainties, drew the curtain, and lit the lamp. Kate laid down her book and looked up.

At midday he went to Dan Burke's and took his lunch a bottle of lager beer and a small trayful of arrowroot biscuits. At four o'clock he was set free. He dined in an eating-house in George's Street where he felt himself safe from the society o Dublin's gilded youth and where there was a certain plain honesty in the bill of fare.

It was at this touching moment that the pantaloon hobbled in, also dressed as we had seen him last, and carrying, unfortunately, a trayful of sausages, which at once increased the general gloom, for he announced, in his squeaky voice, that they were the very sausages that had lately been the dog.

Could you perhaps tell me why Florentines, coming home from abroad, always rejoice to see it rising out of the plain?" "Some enemy has been talking to you...." A little red-haired boy from Lucca, carrying for sale a trayful of those detestable plaster-casts, then accosted me. Who bought such abominations, I inquired? Nobody. Business was bad. Bad? I could well believe it.