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I looked at my watch; it was nearing four. Seven miles, and I had a large traveling-bag to carry. "Is it a good road from here to ?" I asked the landlady. "Oh yes, sir; very fair." "Well," I said, "I think I'll walk it. The railway journey has rather numbed my feet, and a sharp walk will certainly improve their temperature."

I did not experience that piercing thrill through my system as I had expected to, on touching the firm earth again; for we had seen the shore so long before we could land, that all its novelty had disappeared. Liverpool. Traveling-bag in hand, which contained my entire wardrobe, I now went In search of an hotel.

At Aunt Isabel's I was considered a young lady but Cousin Tom seems to think I'm a small child." The stewardess, who was a good-natured old colored woman, took Patty to her stateroom, and then helped her to unpack her traveling-bag, and arrange her belongings for the night. As Aunt Isabel had bought her clothes, of course Patty was absurdly overdressed.

He hired his horse at an inn in the town, and set forth for Justice Bervie's house at a gallop. During Percy's absence, Mr. Bowmore secured the front and back entrances to the cottage with his own hands. These first precautions taken, he ascended to his room and packed his traveling-bag. "Necessaries for my use in prison," he remarked. "The bloodhounds of Government are after me."

Traveling alone, and minding her own business, too. Had a stateroom in that Pullman there in the ditch. Noticed her initials on her traveling-bag." "Have you seen her since the smash?" "Don't know. Got a kind of confused recklection of seeing her wobbling around at the side of the track. Can't be sure, though. Might have been me." "Might have been you? How could " "Wobbly, myself.

Into the bargain, in my possession had been found a traveling-bag containing the dead man's pocket-book. In my favor was McKnight's theory against Mrs. Conway. She had a motive for wishing to secure the notes, she believed I was in lower ten, and she had collapsed at the discovery of the crime in the morning.

I called up the chief's office, and the order was corroborated. I meant to tell you when you came in, but you passed the desk just while I was down eating my supper. The elevator-boy let you in, didn't he?" "Yes. Never mind, it's all right. Good-night." But when Orme examined his traveling-bag, he found that someone had evidently made a search through it.

If this particular one kept her own counsel when she saw a trim but tremulous figure drop lightly over the starboard rail of the Polly far forward, pick up a small traveling-bag from the pier, step behind the opportune screen of a load of coffee on a flat car, and reappear to view only as a momentary swish of skirt far away at the shore end; if this same maid told Mr.

Presently it began. At first I made up my mind not to heed it; but in about twenty minutes after the commencement of the fall the snow became so thick and so blinding, that it was absolutely impossible for me to find my way along a road which was utterly new to me. Moreover, with the cloud came the twilight, and a most disagreeably keen wind. The traveling-bag became unbearably heavy.

"I won't be threatened and mystified any longer! How did you find me out at this place? What do you mean by coming here with your hints and your mysteries? What have you got to say against my wife?" Mrs. Lecount composedly opened the traveling-bag and took out her smelling bottle, in case of emergency. "You have spoken to me in plain words," she said.