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She rearranged the laces at the girl's breast and caught up a torn piece of the silk with a pin. "That is better. Have you been running? You seem hot." "Oh, Rosina, I have been frightened. A man followed me. I shall be afraid to go home to-night." The yellow-haired Trasteverina looked at her shrewdly. "He knows where you live? Have you only seen him once?" "He he came and tried my door.

But the pewees came back at last, and one of them is now on his wonted perch, so near my window that I can hear the click of his bill as he snaps a fly on the wing with the unerring precision a stately Trasteverina shows in the capture of her smaller deer.

Mirah takes it as a tragic parable, and cries to think what the penitent Berenice suffered as she wandered back to Jerusalem and sat desolate amidst desolation. That was her own phrase. I couldn't find it in my heart to tell her I invented that part of the story." "Show me your Trasteverina," said Deronda, chiefly in order to hinder himself from saying something else.

I must look him up. I want to know how he's going on." "Here she is, I suppose," said Deronda, holding up a sketch of the Trasteverina. "Ah," said Hans, looking at it rather contemptuously, "too coarse. I was unregenerate then." Deronda was silent while he closed the folio, leaving the Trasteverina outside.

Young Italy, preoccupied with its economical and political future, must be heartily tired of being admired for its eyelashes and its pose. In one of Thackeray's novels occurs a mention of a young artist who sent to the Royal Academy a picture representing "A Contadino dancing with a Trasteverina at the door of a Locanda, to the music of a Pifferaro."

The comb is unknown, its succedaneum being a huge bodkin, like that which the Trasteverina has so often used as a stiletto. This instrument of castigation is made of ivory or metal, with a lozenge often neatly carved and ornamented at the handle.