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"That's it; let the chickens and the ranch go to thunder, as long as there's a stranger to trapse round with; go on!" Lance would have made some savage reply, but Flip interrupted.

"Hold your tongue!" ordered the little old gentleman, crossly. Jane obeyed. Up came a hand, and she seized the tongue-tip in her front mouth. But since there was a second tongue-tip in that back face, she still continued her babbling: "Don't ask me to trapse over the hard pavements on my poor tired feet, dearie, just because you take your notions.... Come, I say!

So now I got to go and trapse all the way down the river, eleven hundred mile, and find out what that creetur's up to THIS time, as long as I couldn't seem to get any answer out of you about it." "Why, I never heard nothing from you," says Aunt Sally. "Well, I wonder! Why, I wrote you twice to ask you what you could mean by Sid being here." "Well, I never got 'em, Sis."

Grewgious, cooled a little, not to abuse the moral power she held over him. 'Consequent, proceeded Mrs. Billickin, more mildly, but still firmly in her incorruptible candour: 'consequent it would be worse than of no use for me to trapse and travel up to the top of the 'ouse with you, and for you to say, "Mrs.

"Pity Mother isn't here!" said Ingred, voicing the general feeling of the family, which always missed its central pivot. "Yes, but it would have been too great a trapse for her, poor darling!" qualified Quenrede. "I don't see how we could get her all this way unless we hired a pony." "Or borrowed an aeroplane. One seems about as possible as the other," grunted Ingred.

"That's it; let the chickens and the ranch go to thunder, as long as there's a stranger to trapse round with; go on!" Lance would have made some savage reply, but Flip interrupted.

She had gone down to Liverpool, intending to persuade her father to leave the control of the works to Arthur, and to come and live with her in London; but had left without broaching the subject. There were nights when she would trapse the streets till she would almost fall exhausted, rather than face the solitude awaiting her in her own rooms.

The Danite thought, "If I tell her she's there she'll think it her duty to trapse back all the way to find her; she's that sort." Therefore, judging that a minor grief could not make much difference, he gave it as his opinion that Elvira was dead. At this Susannah shed tears for the first time, which eased his anxiety not a little.

But ez soon ez I got fairly hold o' the hull thing, and had it put straight in my mind, I sez to myself, Minty Sharpe, sez I, the first thing for you to do now, is to put on yer bonnet and shawl, and trapse over to Jim Bradley's and help them two womenfolks get dinner for themselves and that sick stranger.

"Seems to me if you got to trapse round this here country hunting for that permanent residence, it ain't necessary to disturb the Sabbath calm so on-feelin'. I don't seem to remember hearing any great demand for an encore after the rendering of the first verse." "You do ce'tainly remind me of a lien with one chick, Steve," laughed Dick. "I ain't worrying about you none.