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Captain Cable divided the watches so that the work might proceed continuously. The dawn found the smaller steamer considerably lightened, and her captain bright and wakeful at his post. All through the day the transshipping went on. Cases of all sizes and all weights were slung out of the capacious hatches of the one to sink into the dark hold of the other vessel, and there was no mishap.

He knew that to reach Barentin, the car, passing out of the great square, surrounded by the new barracks, would follow the quay, traverse the town from end to end, pass near the famous transshipping bridge, and join the high road again.

The Company of the North was furious that La Chesnaye had sent ships to Hudson Bay, which the shareholders considered to be their territory by license. Farmers of the Revenue beset the ship to seize the cargo, because the explorers had gone North without a permit. La Chesnaye saved some of the furs by transshipping them for France before the vessel reached Quebec.

Rag-tag and bob-tail of the Singapore docks, crimp fodder that was what Dennison believed he had the right to expect. And behold! Except that they were older, the newcomers lined up about average with the departing able seamen. The transshipping of the crews occupied about an hour.

He did not hold by foreign ways; but he dragged his hat off and then expectorated on the lawn, just to show that he felt quite at home. He even took the lead in the conversation. "Tell 'em," he said, "that I'm a plain man from Sun'land that has a speciality, an' that's transshipping cargo at sea, but me hands are clean." He held them out and they were not, so he must have spoken metaphorically.

He raised his eyes, which were adjusting to ordinary light again, and stopped dead. Just across the street was a long, low, rainbow colored building. And the letters Bart blinked, thinking his eyes deceived him spelled out: EIGHT COLORS TRANSSHIPPING CORPORATION CARGO, PASSENGERS, MESSAGES, EXPRESS A. RAYNOR ONE, MANAGER For a moment the words swirled before Bart's still-watering eyes.

Now the difficulty of transshipping and landing troops by boats from transports anchored in deep water, in a safe, swift, and orderly fashion, on an open beach, is enormous. The most hastily improvised resistance might cause a humiliating disaster. Yet the first stage is the most important of all.

Eight Colors it used to be Alpha Transshipping is what they call a middleman outfit. The interplanet cargo lines transport from planet to planet within a system that's free competition and the Lhari ships transport from star to star that's a monopoly all over the galaxy. The middleman outfits arrange for orderly and businesslike liaison between the two.