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As an artist Wylo was an all-round favourite; but as a dandy all but the women and he was disdainful of the goodwill of the men despised while they panted with envy and made grossly impolite references to him. Now, the sarcastic jibes of a black fellow are not translatable, or rather not to be printed beyond the margin of strictly scientific works.

Since the beginning of the world such transcendental experiences had never been translatable in the language of "common" sense; and today, even, when a few daring minds sought a laborious classification, straining the resources of psychology, the results were little better than a rather enticing and suggestive confusion.

The sounds of indignation and ferocity that followed this statement are not translatable. After a gaze of unutterable meaning round the circle Rednose went on "This, this is the way in which the owl-eyed chief of the Palefaces begins to do us good! If this is the way he begins, in what way will he continue, and," here his voice deepened to a whisper "how will he end?"

Now an impressive pause then the bugle sang "TAPS" translatable, this time, into "Good-bye, and God keep us all!" for taps is the soldier's nightly release from duty, and farewell: plaintive, sweet, pathetic, for the morning is never sure, for him; always it is possible that he is hearing it for the last time. . . .

I like to think that we might find people on Venus, and I would like to have a name on it that might be translatable into more friendly and less foreign terms why not call it Solarite?" "Solarite a member of the solar system it will be that, always. It will be a world unto itself when it makes its trips it will take up an orbit about the sun a true member of the solar system. I like it!"

It was like pouring oil on flames when I asked particularly about the girl. Though he could speak English that was quite understandable, he broke loose in Japanese hardly translatable. "She is a wild, untamed barbarian. She has neither manners nor modesty, and not only dares openly to scorn the customs of my country and religion, but defies my commands, my authority."

There is no selfishness in it and the language it uses is not translatable into terms which the rule of reason can hope to understand. But to those mothers whose hearts are still in the right place, even if their heads have become more or less confused by the shouting and example of intellectual leaders, there is a very simple observation to suggest, as an answer to such objections.

Ghiribul, or riddles, play a great part in their social life, and he who knows many is much sought after. Most of these ghiribul are not translatable, being little songs describing the things to be guessed, whose peculiarities the singer acts as he sings a sort of one-man show, pantomime in miniature, with a riddle running through it. Some which I will give indicate the nature of others.

Very soon appeal has to be made to common sense, that is to say, to the continuous experience of the real, in order to inflect the consequences deduced and bend them along the sinuosities of life. Deduction succeeds in things moral only metaphorically, so to speak, and just in the measure in which the moral is transposable into the physical, I should say translatable into spatial symbols.

Sometimes I have asked myself whether the Church does not intend to suggest that the whole story falls outside the domain of history, and is to be held as the one great epos, or myth, common to all mankind; adaptable by each nation according to its own several needs; translatable, so to speak, into the facts of each individual nation, as the written word is translatable into its language, but appertaining to the realm of the imagination rather than to that of the understanding, and precious for spiritual rather than literal truths.