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They were written shortly before her death to Fra Raimondo, who, sadly though he had failed her, remained her most trusted friend. We have impressive accounts from other sources of Catherine's slow transitus of the long weeks during which she was literally dying, and by her own choice, of a broken heart. They corroborate many of the details here given.

Datae ad id vires, et praecesserat terror. Ipse peditem atque equites lento itinere, quo novarum gentium animi ipsa transitus mora terrerentur, in hibernis locavit. Et simul classis secunda tempestate ac fama Trutulensem portum tenuit, unde proximo latere Britanniae lecto omni redierat.

But they have this advantage, according to Nicocles, that the sun gives light to their success and the earth covers their failures. "Rhedarum transitus arcto Vicorum inflexu:"

The Greek μετά can also be translated by the Latin trans, which, in compounds, denotes movement from one place, or thing, or condition, to another. Transitus mentis. Luther conceives it to mean transitor, "one who passes through tor across the land," "a pilgrim." Cf. Genesis 12:6. Burgenesis, i. e. Another bit of Mediæval philology. See Introduction, p. 19. Cf. Thesis 1, and foot-note.

If, as seems likely, it is also the last that Catherine wrote to him, it must have been written on the Monday after Sexagesima, 1380, under circumstances which she describes for us in the next letter to be given. She had already at the time entered upon the mystical agony which preceded her transitus.

The apparent springs "saltus vel transitus etiam longissimos," he explains by the same thought having been a component part of two or more total impressions. Thus "ex Scipione venio in cogitationem potentiae Turcicae, propter victorias ejus de Asia, in qua regnabat Antiochus."

I remember such a picture, apparently of the sixteenth century, in the Church of S. Maria-in-Capitolio at Cologne, and another, by Bissoni, in the San Giustina at Padua. Lat. Dormitio, Pausatio, Transitus, Assumptio, B. Virginis. Ital. Il Transito di Maria. Il Sonno della Beata Vergine. L' Assunzione. Fr. La Mort de la Vierge. L'Assomption. Ger. Das Absterben der Maria. Maria Himmelfahrt.