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She stood leaning a little towards him, surrender in every line of her slender body, and her face was like a white flame transfigured, radiant with some secret, mystic glory of love's imparting.

In the midst of the wreckage, he perceived a divine compensation, for Isabel would not fail him she could not fail him now. Transfigured by tenderness, her coldness changed to the utmost yielding, to-morrow would bring him his goddess, a deeply-loving woman at last.

Now, it is in this tender sacred atmosphere, such as Mr. and Mrs. Youngwed always pass through, that the man worthy of a woman's confidence finds the radiant ideal of his heroine. He may with propriety speak of these transfigured personalities to his intimates or write of them with kindly pleasantry and suggestion as, perhaps, this will be considered.

Just abreast of Abul Malek's point of vantage Joseph paused to listen. A songbird was trilling wondrously and the monk's face, raised toward the pomegranate trees, became transfigured. He changed as if by magic; his lips parted in a tender smile, his figure grew tense with listening; not until the last note had died away did he move.

The memory sent her blood beating to her pulses; and she saw his face in her thoughts as she had seen it on that afternoon, transfigured and intensified by the peculiar vividness of her perceptions. "There has been nothing like this in my life before," he had said in a passion of sincerity, "there has been nothing in my life but you from the beginning."

Determined as he was to carry his plan through, and confident as he was of its being a good one and eminently practical, he had been considering many chances which at first blush had not appeared to him. With his first look into her smiling countenance all those anxieties seemed dissipated. He met her smile with one which transfigured his own handsome face. "May I come out on deck, captain?"

Hence experiences of utility, consciously or unconsciously organized, underlie his injunctions; and the sentiments which prompt obedience are, though very indirectly and without the knowledge of those who feel them, referable to experiences of utility. This transfigured form of restraint, differing at first but little from the original form, admits of immense development.

that mortal men should suggest God to the world! There is something almost melting in the way His contemporaries, and John especially, speak of the influence of Christ. John lived himself in daily wonder at Him; he was overpowered, over-awed, entranced, transfigured. To his mind it was impossible for any one to come under this influence and ever be the same again.

"Don't do that," she whispered. He controlled himself with an effort. "It will be over in a moment. Just a moment. I am sorry." He suddenly knelt at her feet, his head bowed in reverence. "God help me," he cried faintly, "I love you! I love you!" She looked down at him, her face transfigured. He loved her! The beat of her heart spoke it!

These two women from the fruit gardens had the golden-brown in their faces, and their plain features were transfigured. They were walking in the dusty road; there was as background a high, dusty hawthorn hedge which had lost the freshness of spring and was browned by the work of caterpillars; they were in rags and jags, their shoes had split, and their feet looked twice as wide in consequence.