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Si l'on vous a trahi, ce n'est pas la trahison qui importe; c'est le pardon qu'elle a fait naître dans votre âme. . . . Mais si la trahison n'a pas accru la simplicité, la confiance plus haute, l'étendue de l'amour, on vous aura trahi bien inutilement, et vous pouvez vous dire qu'il n'est rien arrivé.

Temple, Helen, and her sister, ran to the assistance of the unhappy mother and the detected governess. As soon as mademoiselle had recovered tolerable composure, she recollected that she had betrayed too violent emotion on this occasion. "Il m'a trahi," were words, however, that she could not recall; it was in vain she attempted to fabricate some apology for herself.

Il m'a trahi!" screamed mademoiselle: she threw down the note, and sunk upon the sofa in real hysterics; whilst Lady S , seeing in one and the same moment her own folly and her daughter's ruin, fixed her eyes upon the words "Augusta Dashwood," and fainted. Mr. Mountague led Lord George out of the room with him, whilst Mrs.

First, It may be referred to the preceding words, and so meant of prophecy and trying the doctrine of prophets or preachers, for we should beware in this matter of all which hath any appearance of evil, that is, from all things, quae ab haereticis in suam sententiam, malamque consequentiam trahi possunt.

For the distrust, he himself pleasantly accounted in talk with Savarin. "How can I expect to be trusted? I represent 'Common Sense; every Parisian likes Common Sense in print, and cries 'Je suis trahi' when Common Sense is to be put into action." It was a mockery to France to talk of her placing Liberty under the protection of the Empire.

Ah! je respire enfin, et ma joie est extrême Que le traître une fois se soit trahi lui-même. Libre des soins cruels j'allais m'engager, Ma tranquille fureur n'a plus qu'

This clumsy declaration is signed by Lieutenant-General Graf von Westcarp. And to think that, even now, Governor von Bissing perseveres in maintaining that no military work has ever been asked or will ever be asked from the Belgian workers! As the French proverb says: "On n'est jamais trahi que par les siens."

For the distrust, he himself pleasantly accounted in talk with Savarin. "How can I expect to be trusted? I represent 'Common Sense; every Parisian likes Common Sense in print, and cries 'Je suis trahi' when Common Sense is to be put into action." It was a mockery to France to talk of her placing Liberty under the protection of the Empire.