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"Take me with you," said Campana, the foremost always when any good deed was to be done and, in place of clapping on his great coat to meet the storm, to our unutterable surprise, he began to disrobe himself, all to his trowsers and large straw hat. He then called one of the servants, "Trae me un lasso."

His truth elicited what there was of hers; the trae being drew to the surface what there was of true in the being that was not true. The longer she was in his company, the more she was pleased with him, and the more annoyed with her failure in pleasing him.

All this while, Don Hombrecillo was squeaking out from his lair, at the top of his pipe "Padre, padre, trae el puerco, venga el puerco echar el demonio echar el demonio bring the pig, the pig, and cast out the devil." "Mi guitarra, canta, canta y bayle, viejo diablito, canta o yo te matarras Bring my guitar, dance, dance and sing, you little old devil you, or I'll murder you, dankee, dankee."

His truth elicited what there was of hers; the trae being drew to the surface what there was of true in the being that was not true. The longer she was in his company, the more she was pleased with him, and the more annoyed with her failure in pleasing him.

Una virgin por Dios soy I am young," and seizing a boiled fowl from the dish, she let fly at her husband's head, but missed him, fortunately; whereupon she made a regular grab at him with her paw, but he slid under the table, in all haste, roaring out, "Ave Maria, que es esso manda por el Padre Send for the priest, y trae una puerco, en donde echar el demonio, manda, manda send for a priest, and a pig, into which the demon may be cast, send " "Dexa me, dexa me baylar" continued the old dame "tu no vale, Bobo viejo, you are of no use, you old blockhead you are a forked radish, and not a man let me catch you, let me catch you," and here she made a second attempt, and got hold of his queue, by which she forcibly dragged him from beneath the table, until fortunately, the ribbon that tied it slid off in her hand, and the little Senor instantly ran back to this burrow, with the speed of a rabbit, while his wife sung out, "tu gastas calzones, eh? para que, damelos damelos, yo los quitare?" and if she had caught the worthy man, I believe she would really have shaken him out of his garments, peeled him on the spot, and appropriated them to herself as her threat ran.

It is only a stronger enthusiasm, a new intuition, a fresh outburst of emotional vitality, that can supplant the old: 'Cotal rimedio ha questo aspro furore, Tale acqua suole spegner questo fuoco, Come d'asse si trae chiodo con chiodo.

"Bring dinner," quoth Don Ricardo, "trae la comida;" and four black female domestics entered, the first with a large dish of pillaffe, or fowls smothered in rice and onions; the second with a nondescript melange, flesh, fish, and fowl apparently, strongly flavoured with garlic; the third bore a dish of jerked beef, cut into long shreds, and swimming in seba or lard; and the fourth bore a large dish full of that indescribable thing known by those who read Don Quixote, as an olla podrida.

In a few minutes I saw a body of them enter the coffee-house marching arm in arm, two by two, stamping on the ground with their feet in a kind of measure, and repeating in loud chorus as they walked round the spacious apartment, the following grisly stanza: "Que es lo que abaja Por aquel cerro? Ta ra ra ra ra. Son los huesos de Quesada, Que los trae un perro Ta ra ra ra ra."