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I had de pleasure of yer 'quaintance afore me and marster started on our trabels." "I've been alone here eber since," explained Victoria, not proof against his fascinations. "I'm sure yer haint altered a bit, Mr. Dolf." "I guess if yer don't go upstairs miss'll know why," cried Clorinda, sharply. "Jes give me dat pan, Mr. Dolf; I kint wait all day for you to empty it."

"Boss, ef dey's frens o' yourn, I reckon you knows all about 'em; maybe more'n I kin tell you, and I reckon it's saiftest for me to keep my mouf shet tight!" "Why so? Explain. Surely Miss Guir is a very charming young lady." "I reckon she be, boss; dough for my part I ain't nebber seed her. Folks says as how it ain't good luck when she trabels on de road." "What do you mean?

Den me lib slave states, what you call Confederate. Den me lib Northern state, also Canada under Queen Victoria. Me trabel bery much. Now, sar, dinner come. Time to eat not to talk. After dinner white gentlemen tell me what they came here for. Me tell dem if they like about my trabels, but dat berry long story."

"And how do you prove it by Christopher Columbus And-so-forth?" demanded the chums, in chorus. "Why," said Wash, rolling his eyes, "I done tooked dat rooster wid me in all ma trabels; didn't I?" "You most certainly did," admitted Mark. "And a big nuisance he was," added Jack. Wash loftily overlooked this remark. He said, confidently: "And I brought Buttsy back ergin; didn't I?" "You did.

He pointed towards the towering mountain peaks and wild precipices that closed in the narrow glen or gorge up which they were slowly proceeding. "In all our trabels we's nebber come to a place like dat. It looks like de fag end ob creation.

'Course I could smoke 'em out but somehow I hates ter make the po' things homeless an' I reckon they's got a notion that the hollow place in the back er this here ca'ige b'longs ter them an' the knot hole they done bored is the front do'. When me'n Miss Ann has ter drive on I jes' sticks a cawn cob in the hole an' the bees trabels with us. Sometimes their buzzin' air kinder comp'ny ter me.