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She stole a swift glance at Carmichael, who seemed far removed from the heart of this black business; and had he been looking at her he would have seen the gates opening into Eden. "What was this little finger like?" asked the duke, shuddering. "One time it had been cut or mangled." "The man was tall?" "Yes, Highness." The duke silently toyed with the little yellow shoes.

She was the only one who received me coldly, seemed indeed impatient to be off, leaving the conversation to her friends while she toyed with a few late flowers on the bushes beside her. "You should never put heather and gall together," I said to her, rallyingly. "Indeed!" she said, flushing. "Here's one who wears what she chooses, regardless of custom or freit."

Who?" and Sarah toyed nervously with the coverlet that was thrown over her knees. "Why all of us; the girls at school. We hope you will soon be able to come back." "I will never go back. I have had all I want of Dalton School," and Sarah tossed her head defiantly. "Here is a spray of apple blossoms. I brought them from the orchard.

Cleigh toyed with the beads. "The Haarlem. Maybe I can save you a lot of trouble," said Cunningham. "The name is only on her freeboard and stern, not on her master's ticket. The moment we are hull down the old name goes back." Cunningham turned to Jane. "Do you believe I've put my cards on the table?" "Yes." "And that if I humanly can I'll keep my word?" "Yes."

The homicidal wish fancy with which the human mind had toyed in times of peace in dreams and reveries was now a living reality. Not one in a thousand knew what the war was about. And this one in a thousand who thought he knew was mistaken. It had been made legal to kill. They were marching to kill. They shouted. They sang.

It was of him I spoke the other day." He hesitated and paused, his eyes fixed in hers. The phrases had come from him haltingly, one by one, but each he had dowered with an accent that carried conviction with it. With the note which he held in his hand, he still toyed abstractedly. "You understand now, do you not?" he asked. "You understand and forgive?"

In direct antithesis to this wolfish feeding were the manners of Oliver Laurence. He toyed with his victuals, cutting them into the littlest pieces and almost flirting with his glass of wine. Ezra P. Hipps ate and drank, as he did everything else in life thoroughly and with conviction.

Have you heard nothing about Mr. Brinkworth except what you have just told me?" "Nothing." There was a pause. Mrs. Glenarm toyed hesitatingly with her parasol. Lady Lundie leaned forward in the bed, and looked at her attentively. "What have you heard about him?" she asked. Mrs. Glenarm was embarrassed. "It's so difficult to say," she began. "I can bear any thing but suspense," said Lady Lundie.

Colonel Washington spoke but little, and with an evident effort at gayety which ill agreed with the earnest, thoughtful look which settled on his features, while Miss Elliott could not conceal the embarrassment which her heightened color and downcast eyes betrayed as she toyed with her embroidery, avoiding the glances of deep and ardent yet restrained admiration with which her distinguished guest regarded her.

It was, perhaps, a revulsion from the pain of parting; and he toyed with the idea of Mrs. Grosvenor Green's apartment, which, in its preposterous unsuitability, had a strange attraction. He felt that he could take it with less risk than anything else they had seen, but he said he would look at all the other places in town first.