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But these old-timers were not enlisted under the Earp banner and the town's new rulers had only the other element for retainers. So now Frank Stilwell robbed stages on the Bisbee road until the drivers got to know his voice quite well; and he swaggered through the Tombstone dance-halls bestowing the rings which he had stripped from the fingers of women passengers upon his latest favorite.

Seen from the railway as it stands on a gentle rise, its tall church-tower and red roofs reflected in the waters of a winding lake, it looks what it is now, a very peaceful spot. But if you go about its narrow streets you come upon many relics of the town's eventful past.

Sitting in one of the smooth-worn old armchairs that Uncle Tony always keeps handy, you can view the very heart of Green Valley's business life. Without turning your head scarcely you can keep an eye on Martin's drug store, keep tab on the comings and goings of the town's two doctors, and the hotel's arriving and departing guests.

Abrane, Potts, Mallard, and Sir Meeson Corby were personages during the town's excitement, besought for having something to say. Petrels of the sea of tattle, they were buoyed by the hubbub they created, and felt the tipsy happiness of being certain to rouse the laugh wherever they alighted.

That it was the correct Lusk we had with us I felt sure from his incompetent, healthy, vacant appearance, strong-bodied and shiftless the sort of man to weary of one trade and another, and make a failure of wife beating between whiles. In Twenty-fourth Street the town's uttermost rim the Governor met us, and stared at Lusk.

The water had fallen from three to five feet, the currents of the river and creek had slackened, and there was food enough left for the town's breakfast and dinner. As Galveston and San Francisco pulled themselves together after calamity so Dayton began pulling itself together on Friday of the week of the flood.

"I guess he'll tell," said Charlie, "if you go at him right. It's no great secret the whole town's been laughing about it." Samuel was almost too shocked for words. "Do you suppose Dr. Vince knows it?" he cried. "He don't know much if he doesn't," was the other's reply. "A member of his church!" gasped the boy. "Oh, pshaw!" laughed the other. "You're too green, Sammy!

The view from the Prospect, however, is the town's chief present glory. It stands on the brink of the river-cliff, with the Wye sweeping at its feet around the apex of the long horseshoe curve. Within the curve is the grassy Oak Meadow dotted with old trees. On either hand are meadows and cornfields, with bits of wood, and the Welsh hills rise in the distance.

Crossing diagonally the shaded green where gray haired "boys" pitched horse shoes at a peg the "cou'thouse squar," bounded by the town's four streets he deliberately sat upon the whittled steps of that old building, at about the moment Jess was ringing the Colonel's front door bell. Dale had stood as still as marble, except to moisten his lips which were becoming very dry.

In the environs of the town there are an electrical plant, a brickyard, various mills, and lime and plaster kilns. The town's commerce is more extended than its industries, although no more prosperous. In the Square and in the Calle Mayor, under the arcades white goods are sold and woollens, and there are hat-shops and silversmiths, one alongside the other.