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The siege of Paris brought M. Gambetta to the most romantic part of his career. The National Defence Government had delegated two of their members, MM. Crémieux and Glaiz-Bizoin, to go to Tours and govern the provinces; but being both elderly men of weak health, they were hardly up to their work; and early in October M. Gambetta was ordered by his colleagues to join them.

Sophonisba Breckinridge of Chicago University, and Mrs. Catherine Waugh McCulloch. The Political Equality League believed enthusiastically in street meetings and arranged many of them in Milwaukee and other cities. Under the same auspices several automobile tours swept the State, one of them having an itinerary through the southwestern counties, Miss James, Mrs.

Having thus shown his principles clearly, he turned his attention in 1832 to Chinon, which was close to Tours, where he and his family had lived for so long, and to Sache, where he was a constant visitor.

"What does it all mean?" exclaimed Miss Cassandra. "What have we to do with St. Peter and his body? St. Martin and his cloak are what we naturally expect here." "To be sure," we all exclaimed in a breath, but we had actually forgotten that St. Martin was the patron saint of Tours.

It contained only the words: "She has not taken the veil; she is at the convent of Our Lady at Tours." The next morning Ronald and Malcolm set out on their journey to Tours. Arrived at Tours, Malcolm took a quiet lodging in a retired street.

Approaching nearer to Tours, I had a fine view of the bridge, which is esteemed the handsomest in France. Between the branches of the trees, I now and then caught a glimpse of the spires of the church and buildings, encompassed by extensive orchards and groves, and open vales between, varied by vineyards.

Pemberton had got used to suddenness, having seen it practised on a considerable scale during two jerky little tours one in Switzerland the first summer, and the other late in the winter, when they all ran down to Florence and then, at the end of ten days, liking it much less than they had intended, straggled back in mysterious depression.

Dropping gold into his alms-bowl with a hand effectively contrasted with his brown thumb, stands "the sinner's saint" the good Bishop of Tours; while some other condition of the work has embroidered St. Martin's red mitre with the figure of St. Nicholas. There is one other striking circumstance about St.

To-day I have put the last strokes to a History of Testimony from the Christian era down to the sixth century from Livy to Gregory of Tours, from Augustus to Justinian. Elsmere turned to him with wonder, with a movement of irrepressible homage. Thirty years of unbroken solitary labour for one end, one cause!

Austremoine to Clermont-Ferrand, St. Galian to Tours, St. Denis to Paris, and so many others that their names are scarcely known beyond the pages of erudite historians, or the very spots where they preached, struggled, and conquered, often at the price of their lives. Such were the founders of the faith and of the Christian Church in France.