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She took pepper in the nose, and went affa gude week afore it suld ha'e been; and a gude riddance o' ill rubbish, say I. Mrs Kezia and Miss Sophy, they are at hame, a' richt: and Miss Hatty comes back in a twa-three days, without thae young leddies suld gang till London toun, and gin they do she'll gang wi' 'em." "Father is not married?" I exclaimed. "He's better aff," said Sam, determinedly.

Women we could see in plenty, drawing water or bearing peats in from the bogs behind their dwellings, or crossing from house to house or toun to toun, with plaids drawn tightly over their heads, their bodies bent to meet the blasts that made their clothing banner and full.

The object o' my affections, on this occasion, was a pretty girl, whom I met wi' at the house o' a mutual freen. She was a stranger in oor toun, an' had come frae Glasgow o' which city she was a native on a short visit to a relation.

"Of course, if there is any district in Scotland where for any reason droughts are possible, that is where we wish to settle," I whispered to Salemina; "though, so far as I can see, the Strathdee crops are up to their knees in mud. Here is another wee village. What is this place, driver?" "Pettybaw, mam; a fine toun!" "Will there be apartments to let there?" "I cudna say, mam."

"And all my travelling expenses, from toun to toun." "Very good, Mr. Templeton. Anything else, Mr. Templeton?" "My board and lodging in every toun, Mr. Price." "Very good, Mr. Templeton. Any thing else, Mr. Templeton?" "And a clear benefit in every toun, also, Mr. Price." "Very good. Anything else, Mr. Templeton?" "Well no I ah no! nothing occurs to me just now, Mr. Price." "Well, then," said Mr.

'I gave him such a terrible blow, she said, mournfully, 'and he fell like a stone over the embankment. 'He didna leave go the nugget, onyhow, ye ken, said Archie, dryly; 'so he couldna hae been verra far gone, but I'll gang intil the toun and see what I can hear.

"My dear sir," said I, when I had accepted of the invitation with thanks, "how could you possibly connect me with the stage?" "I watna," replied Mr. Jarvie; "it was a bletherin' phrasin' chield they ca' Fairservice, that cam at e'en to get an order to send the crier through the toun for ye at skreigh o' day the morn.

I mad the best retraite the confusion of our people would suffer, and I am now laying with my Lord Rosse. The toun of Streven drew up as we was making our retrait, and thoght of a pass to cut us off, but we took courage and fell to them, made them run, leaving a dousain on the place. What these rogues will dou yet I know not, but the contry was flocking to them from all hands.

The day of departure at length arrived, ere yet the young folks had recovered from the astonishment which everything in the northern metropolis presented to them as wonders, and before they had become familiar with the splendours of long rows of lamps, and dazzling scattered lights over the dusky horizon of the "Auld Toun" in an evening.

'How, and in what manner? 'Her ain sell, replied Callum, 'could wait for him a wee bit frae the toun, and kittle his quarters wi'her skene-occle. 'Skene-occle! what's that? Callum unbuttoned his coat, raised his left arm, and, with an emphatic nod, pointed to the hilt of a small dirk, snugly deposited under it, in the lining of his jacket.