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He could discover none. His ability seemed to him unimpeachable, /totus, teres, atque rotundas/. And then there came across his breast a sharp pang, sharper than that of baffled ambition, the feeling that he had been deceived and bubbled and betrayed.

Mivers appeared at Exmundham totus, teres, but not rotundus, a man of middle height, slender, upright, with well-cut, small, slight features, thin lips, enclosing an excellent set of teeth, even, white, and not indebted to the dentist. For the sake of those teeth he shunned acid wines, especially hock in all its varieties, culinary sweets, and hot drinks. He drank even his tea cold.

"Ibam forte viâ sacrâ, sicut meus est mos, Nescio quid meditans nugarum, et totus in illis; Accurrit quidam notus mihi nomine tantum, Arrep " "A note, my Lord," and the steward placed a most diminutive note in R 's hand. It ran thus: "My Lord and Gentlemen, "I will accompany you to the Casino this evening at 8. I feel it my duty to show you all the attention I can. "Yours faithfully, "A l r C ."

The good-humour of his visage was fully equalled by the protuberance of his stomach; and if the "totus in se teres atque rotundus" of Horace, is the poet's definition of a good man, the actor rose to the summit of human virtue. The best prologue, since the days of Garrick, ushered in this singular performance.

Nam contra totus in eo eram ut aliquid certi reperirem . Nor is it less distinct in its motives and final aim, than in its proper objects, which are not as in ordinary scepticism the prejudices of education and circumstance, but those original and innate prejudices which nature herself has planted in all men, and which to all but the philosopher are the first principles of knowledge, and the final test of truth.

Iste populus non est multum tempus transactum, quin fuit totus in fidei religione, sed nunc est ad pessimos Gentilium ritus peruersus, nec attendit, nec veneratur relliquias sancti corporis Apostoli ibidem contentas, quamuis ijs euidens, ac vtile, et mirificum praestare solebat beneficium, quod infra narrabo.

There was not a sore spot about him, and probably his first thoughts on waking every morning told him that he, at least, was totus teres atque rotundus. He was, of course, a thorough Radical, and so was Mr. Monk. But Mr. Monk's first waking thoughts were probably exactly the reverse of those of his friend. Mr. Monk was a much hotter man in debate than Mr. Turnbull; but Mr.

Singularly enough too, while Roger devotes to the operation for the cure of hernia nearly half a page of his text, Gilbert dismisses the whole subject in a single sentence, as follows: Scindatur igitur totus exitus super hac cute exteriori cum carne fissa, et uatur y fac cum file serice et acu quadrata. He adds also: "Some doubt the propriety of using the term hernia for an inflation.

"It is a true word, and many have found it," said the page; "but under your favour, I would fain walk abroad for a little, and see these sports." "It is well moved," said the Doctor, "and I too should be showing myself abroad. Moreover the play waits us, young man-to-day, totus mundus agit histrionem." And they sallied forth accordingly into the mirthful scene.

When I sit down by myself in my study, having carefully locked the door on all of you, alone with my books and thoughts, I am in full possession of my integral life. I am totus, teres, atque rotundus, a whole human being, equivalent in value, we will say, for the sake of illustration, to a fixed round sum, L100 for example.