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Of course you've been up to some Mischeif, but I don't suppose anybody will ever know the Truth of it. I was hopeing you'd make it this time and get married, and stop worrying us." "Go away, please, and let me Sleep," I said. "As to getting married, under no circumstances did I expect to marry him. He has a Wife already. Personally, I think she's a totle loss.

The last time I gave you some you paid it back in postage stamps, and I haven't written a letter since. They're all stuck together now, and a totle loss." "Very well," I said, fridgidly. "But the next time you break anything " "How much do you want?" she asked.

"`Ye haaf saved bucca, ye mazed totle, that can only frighten women an' child'n, an burn housen; thee'rt fond o' singin' an' dancin' dance now, will 'ee, ye gurt bufflehead, or ef ye waant I'll scat thee head in jowds, an' send 'ee scrougin' over cliffs, I will." In justice to the narrator it is right to say that these words are not so bad as they sound.

I would thus be improving my Vacation hours, and, I considered, keeping out of mischeif. It was pure idleness which had caused my Trouble during the last Christmas holidays. How true it is that the Devil finds work for idle Hands! With a Play and this Theme I beleived that the Devil would give me up as a totle loss, and go elsewhere. How little we can read the Future!

Father promised before he left that I was not to be scolded, as I felt far from well, and was drinking water about every minute. "I just want to lie here and think about things," I said, when he was going. "I seem to have so many thoughts. And father " "Yes, chicken." "If I need any help to carry out a plan I have, will you give it to me, or will I have to go to totle strangers?"