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We were parted for ever! We left behind the painted buoy That tosses at the harbour mouth; And madly danced our heart with joy, As fast we fleeted to the south. How fresh was every sight and sound On open main, on winding shore! We knew the merry world was round, And we might sail for evermore.

War tramples gallantry in the dust, leaves women at the mercy of a brutal soldiery, slaughters old men, and tosses babes on bayonet-points. All this it does, and a great deal more, in the way of mischief; what does it accomplish in the way of good?

If parasitism were the only crime of the cowbird one would not feel so much disposed to put her into the Newgate Calendar; but she not only inflicts her own eggs upon her innocent victims, but often actually tosses their eggs out of the nests in order to make room for her own.

To-day he shall laugh for himself alone. The very river seems glad, and tosses its shaggy waves like a faithful dog; and over yonder in Sidon, where the sun is building a shrine of gold and pearl, Esther, sleepless too, all night, waits at a window like the morning-star. Oh, Mike! Mike! Mike! is it you at last? Oh, Esther, Esther, is it you?

It comes like lightning, right on to my bat, twisting it in my grasp, and then is snatched up in an instant by "point," who tosses it to the wicket-keeper, who returns it to the bowler. All this is very alarming.

The very name Mertzheimer means wealth and high standing! And she puts up her nose and tosses her red head at me and tells me she won't have me! She'll see what a Mertzheimer can do!" The elder Mertzheimer, school director, was not unlike his son. When the young man came to him with an exaggerated tale of the contemptible way Amanda had treated him, thrown him over as though he were nobody, Mr.

It turned out to be the best midcine ever was. `Musha! says I, `here's the top o' the marnin' to ye, boys! Baxmore he smacks his lips when he tastes it, opens his eyes, tosses off the glass, and holds it out for another. `Howld on; fair play! cried Jack Williams, so we all had a glass round. It was just like lemonade or ginger-beer, it was.

He tosses off a pony of Bourbon, but his face is not a delight to look upon, "Hopper, you'll be a d d rich man some day." "I cal'late to." "I do the dirty work. And because I ain't got no capital, I only get four per cent." "Don't one-twenty a day suit you?" "You get blasted near a thousand. And you've got horse contracts, and blanket contracts besides. I know you.

If you are her mother, Madame, you will fancy worms; you will examine her linen for pins, and what not. Ah, hypocrite! you, even you, misunderstand her. Yet she has charming natural impulses. See how she tosses her dimpled arms. She looks longingly at her mother. She has a language of her own. She says, "goo, goo," and "ga, ga." She demands something this infant! She is faint, poor thing.

The ocean doesn't have any mercy on a body's bones, but tosses you about as if you were an India-rubber ball made on purpose;" added he, bursting into a hearty roar as he caught Mrs. Bates' eye fastened upon his rotund proportions, as if to ascertain where the bones were.