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The buzzing, too, was demoralizing. "Now, to release the two men!" reminded Deltos, and led the way to the torture-place. They found Corrus and Dulnop exactly as the two women had left them six weeks before, except that their faces were drawn with the agony of what they had endured. Below the surface of the ground their bodies had shriveled and whitened with their daily imprisonment.

Bringing these back to the "torture-place," as the spot was called, the man was compelled to wield one of the clumsy tools while a companion used the other; and between them they cut down the tree whose branches had been waving over the prisoners' heads. Then the villagers were forced to drag the tree away. All of which occurred in the darkness, and out of sight of Rolla and Cunora.

Presently the invaders had approached to within a half-mile of the torture-place. One of Supreme's lieutenants made a suggestion: "Had we not better destroy the men, rather than let them be rescued?" The commandant considered this fully. "No," she decided. "To kill them would merely enrage the other villagers, and perhaps anger them so much as to make them unmanageable."

Moreover, with the hives always uppermost in her mind, Supreme planned to keep the actual conflict always at a distance from the "city." It was late in the day when the nine reached the stream in whose bed rested the pyrites taken from Corrus and Dulnop. This stream, it will be remembered, flowed not far from the torture-place.

Moreover, with the hives always uppermost in her mind, Supreme planned to keep the actual conflict always at a distance from the "city." It was late in the day when the nine reached the stream in whose bed rested the pyrites taken from Corrus and Dulnop. This stream, it will be remembered, flowed not far from the torture-place.

The buzzing, too, was demoralizing. "Now, to release the two men!" reminded Deltos, and led the way to the torture-place. They found Corrus and Dulnop exactly as the two women had left them six weeks before, except that their faces were drawn with the agony of what they had endured. Below the surface of the ground their bodies had shriveled and whitened with their daily imprisonment.

Presently the invaders had approached to within a half-mile of the torture-place. One of Supreme's lieutenants made a suggestion: "Had we not better destroy the men, rather than let them be rescued?" The commandant considered this fully. "No," she decided. "To kill them would merely enrage the other villagers, and perhaps anger them so much as to make them unmanageable."