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To invert a commonplace from Niobe, she never forgets herself to liquefaction. John had his sluggish moods, his torpors but they were the halting stones and resting places of his tragedy politic savings, and fetches of the breath husbandry of the lungs, where nature pointed him to be an economist rather, I think, than errors of the judgment.

He had his sluggish moods, his torpors but they were the halting-stones and resting-places of his tragedy-politic savings, and fetches of the breath husbandry of the lungs, where nature pointed him to be an economist rather, I think, than errors of the judgment.

Nevertheless he still continued the cordial with tolerable regularity, the more, because on one or two occasions, happening to omit it, it so chanced that he slept wretchedly, and awoke in strange aches and pains, torpors, nervousness, shaking of the hands, bleared-ness of sight, lowness of spirits and other ills, as is the misfortune of some old men, who are often threatened by a thousand evil symptoms that come to nothing, foreboding no particular disorder, and passing away as unsatisfactorily as they come.

Thar's plenty of bunkless gents, however, besides him, an' as he sinks into them sound an' dreamless slumbers which is the her'tage of folks whose consciences run trop, he hears 'em drinkin' an' talkin' an' barterin' mendacity, an' argyfyin' pol'tics on all sides. "'My grandfather sleeps on for hours, an' is only aroused from them torpors, final, by some sport chunkin' him a thump in the back.

But let men recover their faith in the moral law, let them see that retribution is inevitable justice, let them realise that the life of man is a progress in spiritual comprehension, let them understand that existence is a great thing and not a mean thing, and they will feel again the compulsion to preach, and their preaching, founded on the moral law and inspired by faith in the teaching of Christ, will draw the world from the destructive negations of materialism, and wake it out of the fatal torpors of dull indifference.

He had his sluggish moods, his torpors but they were the halting-stones and resting-place of his tragedy politic savings, and fetches of the breath husbandry of the lungs, where nature pointed him to be an economist rather, I think, than errors of the judgment.

In literature no less than in politics the discovery meant the final breaking up of the old world, and the slow birth of a new one through alternate torpors and agonies. It might already have been said of Rome, in the words of a poet of four hundred years later, that she had made a city of what had been a world.

Like a wounded creature she was regaining strength and wholeness in oblivion. When Mrs. Talcott had gone softly into her room at bedtime, she had found her soundly sleeping. But the fumes and torpors of grief and pain were this morning dispersed. Mercedes sat at the desk in her bedroom attired in a robe-de-chambre, and rapidly and feverishly wrote.

Ennui never came to shed its torpors over these reunions, of which the Academy furnished the most distinguished guests, in company with grands seigneurs eager to show themselves as worthy by intelligence as by rank to play a role in these gatherings of the intellectual elite. Fontenelle was the presiding genius of this salon, and added to its critical and literary spirit a tinge of philosophy.