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There are no tramps parading periodically over the countries of Tor-tu. There is an international law that each township must care for its own paupers. Every man's forehead seal tells his birthplace and there is no escaping from it.

It is much larger than our world, and is accompanied by three moons and a set of rings which faintly suggested our picturesque Saturn. The poles of Tor-tu are inclined at an angle of thirty-three degrees to the plane of its orbit. This accounts for its temperature being quite similar to ours, although its year is eight times longer.

Often we pay a large sum to have the records examined and even then a purchaser has no assurance of non-interference. Here it is even possible to buy a lot, build a home, and five or fifty years afterward have it sold by some one who proves a prior claim on the land. No such foolishness, or child-play in the guise of legal dignity, is countenanced in Tor-tu.

All credit to Tor-tu for these common-sense regulations! Our laws covering this field are heathenish compared with the statutes of this far distant world. There no man loses his real estate by the awakening of a sleeping title, and if this could happen he would be fully reimbursed by the county. In our world some titles are as clear as mud.

The laws of Tor-tu relating to deeds and titles are the most simple and yet the most effective that have yet come to my attention. All the land in each county of Tor-tu is divided into lots, and each lot is numbered on an immense diagram at the county seat.

When I examined the leaves of the many kinds of trees, I found none similar to the foliage of our planet, except in one or two fruit-bearing trees. The sky, instead of appearing blue, wears a greenish tinge, and the birds are robed in a variety of colors that would put to naught our arching rainbows. In fine, it must be admitted that Tor-tu is a much more beautiful world than ours.

In case the stamp is disturbed by accident, the person must report to the township book-keeper either in person or by proxy, and the stamp must be replaced on some conspicuous part of the head. There are eighteen governments of Tor-tu that united on this scheme. It is so arranged that no two persons of all these millions have identical marks.

Sin there, as here, is the withering blast of the planet, the destroyer of the harvest fields of purity and truth. An invisible spirit of evil holds his force in disciplined command, and the man who wishes to have a pure heart on Stazza must reach it through conflicts long and sharp. The path to moral and spiritual purity is quite the same throughout the whole universe. Tor-tu.

They know a few things about laws, but not enough to make them so complicated that no one can understand their meaning. In law, the poor man usually has the same chance as the rich. Money has no weight in the Tor-tu scale of justice. The facts in the case are the only things that have weight, although bribery is possible and is sometimes practiced.

I marveled aloud as I viewed a few more links of the endless chain of intelligent creation. On one of these worlds, which I have christened Tor-tu, I found human beings that resemble us more than any others in the entire solar bounds of Polaris. Tor-tu dashes along in its unceasing course at a distance of eight hundred millions of miles from Polaris.