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"What did you do it for, Mary?" Mr. Ponsonby had rushed up the stairs and they were sitting there. He was so tall that he hung over her when he leaned. "It's nothing. You ought to be able to pull up your own weight." "You mustn't do it from top-storey windows. It's dangerous." "Not if you've practised on the banisters first. Where's Mark?" "With your Mater.

In those that remained, there was scarcely any glass; and, through the crumbling frames by which the bad air seemed always to come in, and never to go out, I saw, through other glassless windows, into other houses in a similar condition, and looked giddily down into a wretched yard, which was the common dust-heap of the mansion. We proceeded to the top-storey of the house.

I am therefore free to say that in the way in which Toulouse looks out on the Garonne there was something that reminded me vaguely of the way in which Pisa looks out on the Arno. The red-faced houses all of brick along the quay have a mixture of brightness and shabbiness, as well as the fashion of the open loggia in the top-storey.

They tore through the plantation as if nothing had happened, clearing all the brooks in a business-like way. Mr. Ponsonby took brook-jumping as the serious and delightful thing it was. Going home across the fields they held each other's hands, like children. "Minky," he said, "I don't like to think of you hanging out of top-storey windows."

She hoped that she would not have to see it; but she was not afraid of Jenny's dead body. It was sacred and holy. She wondered why Mamma sent her to Uncle Edward and Aunt Bella. From the top-storey windows of Chadwell Grange you could look beyond Aldborough Hatch towards Wanstead Flats and the City of London Cemetery. They were going to bury Jenny there. She stood looking out, quiet, not crying.

"It wouldn't.... Look here, promise me you won't think about it, you'll let it alone. Promise me." He was like Jimmy making you promise not to hang out of top-storey windows. "No good making promises." "Well," he said, "there's nothing in it.... I wish I hadn't said that about your playing. I only wanted to see whether you'd mind or not." "I don't mind. What does it matter?