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Everywhere the scarlet and grey of uniforms, the glister of gold lace the familiar decorous lines of devout top-hats broken by glittering helmets, bear-skins, white nodding plumes, busbies, red caps a-cock, glengarries, all the colour of the British army, mixed with the feathered jauntiness of the Colonies and the khaki sombreros of the C.I.V.'s!

"We have seen now all those who left their names and addresses on Monday afternoon, and I am glad to say that nobody was really hurt. Nobody." Mr. Scutts, in a faint voice, said he was glad to hear it. "Been a wonder if they had," said the other, cheerfully. "Why, even the paint wasn't knocked off the engine. The most serious damage appears to be two top-hats crushed and an umbrella broken."

They wear shiny frock-coats and the worst-brushed and most odd-shaped of top-hats, and imagine they are well-dressed; at least I suppose they do, for they seem to have a sort of contempt for the spruce tweed suits and round hats of 'new chums, and such of the rising generation as have followed their example and adopted that fashion.

He walked hastily to the quartette and, bursting with rage, asked Jones what he meant by it. "Mean by wot, sir?" asked Jones, in surprise. "Top-hats," said the mate, choking. The four turned and regarded him stolidly, keeping as close together as possible for the sake of moral support and the safety of their head-gear. "For the weddin', sir," said Jones, as though that explained everything.

I know very little about the Stock Exchange. I know, of course, that stockbrokers wear very shiny top-hats, which they remove when they sing "God Save the King," as they invariably do in a crisis.

Dorothy looked at her aunt, and then, with her frank laugh: "If there is an answer," she said, "that's it!" As young Nisbet entered, Mrs. Wynyard was the first to greet him. "So," she observed, looking him over approvingly, "you've beaten your swords into walking-sticks, and your spears into top-hats, as my friend Isaiah so aptly observes!

"We have seen now all those who left their names and addresses on Monday afternoon, and I am glad to say that nobody was really hurt. Nobody." Mr. Scutts, in a faint voice, said he was glad to hear it. "Been a wonder if they had," said the other, cheerfully. "Why, even the paint wasn't knocked off the engine. The most serious damage appears to be two top-hats crushed and an umbrella broken."

Sport was little known then, young men passing their afternoons tooling solemnly up and down Bellevue Avenue in top-hats and black frock-coats under the burning August sun. This was the epoch when the Town and Country Club was young and full of vigor. We met at each other’s houses or at historic sites to hear papers read on serious subjects. One particular afternoon is vivid in my memory.

The notion that the Frenchman has the French faults and not the English faults is a paradox too wild to cross his mind. He is like an old Chinaman who should laugh at Europeans for wearing ludicrous top-hats and curling up their pig-tails inside them; because obviously all men have pig-tails, as all monkeys have tails.

Müncz's sons, seven in number, came to see their mother, and walked about the market-place in their best clothes, laced boots, and top-hats. The townsfolk were glad enough then, their hearts swelled with pride as they gazed at the seven Jews, and they would exclaim: "Well, if this is not a town, what is?" "You won't see as many Jews as that in Pelsöc in ten years," answered another proudly.