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Be it also said that he was the only one in the party, save Constance and Tootles, who took to the situation amiably. "Damn the Odell-Carneys," was what Freddie Ulstervelt said as the train drew out of the station. Brock looked up approvingly. "That's the first sensible thing I've heard him say," he muttered loud enough to be heard by Miss Fowler. "I say, who are the Odell-Carneys?

Rather pathetic little sobs had taken its place, it was with a face streaked with the black stuff from her eyelashes that Tootles turned quickly to Martin at the foot of the narrow, dirty staircase. "Let's go up quiet," she said. "If any of the others are about, I don't want 'em to know tonight. See?" "I see," said Martin.

"What the deuce do you mean by 'Hi'?" I said. "You can't come in," said the face. "Hello, is that Tootles?" "My name is not Tootles, and I don't want to come in," I said. "Are you Mr. Medwin? I've brought back your son." "I see him. Peep-bo, Tootles! Dadda can see 'oo!" The face disappeared with a jerk. I could hear voices. The face reappeared. "Hi!" I churned the gravel madly.

'I just thought they did, Curly broke in excitedly. 'I don't know how it is, but I just thought they did. 'O Wendy, cried Tootles, 'was one of the lost children called Tootles? 'Yes, he was. 'I am in a story. Hurrah, I am in a story, Nibs. 'Hush. Now I want you to consider the feelings of the unhappy parents with all their children flown away.

The first to pass is Tootles, not the least brave but the most unfortunate of all that gallant band.

"We had orders to call at Midway after castaways, and had our distance pretty nigh run down the day before. We steamed half-speed all night, looking to make it about noon, for old Tootles beg your pardon, sir, the captain was precious scared of the place at night. Well, there's nasty filthy currents round that Midway; you know, as has been there; and one on 'em must have set us down.

With gestures that could belong to no other school than that of the twice-dailies and the shrill nasal voice that inevitably goes with them, Irene, with the utmost solemnity, went solidly through the whole appalling thing, making the frequent yous "yee-ooo" in the true "vawdville" manner. To Tootles it was very moving, and she was proud of her friend.

Grandly, however, did Tootles respond. For that one moment he dropped his silliness and spoke with dignity. 'I am just Tootles, he said, 'and nobody minds me. But the first who does not behave to Wendy like an English gentleman I will blood him severely. He drew his hanger; and for that instant his sun was at noon. The others held back uneasily.

But last night I kissed him, and I saw his eyes glint for the first time and to-night, to-night, Irene, I'm going to play my last card. Yes, that's what I'm going to do, play the last card in the pack." "How?" asked Irene eagerly, sympathy and curiosity bubbling to the top. Tootles shook her head. "It isn't lucky to go talking about it." she said, with a most wistful smile.

All children know this about mothers, and despise them for it, but make constant use of it. So Tootles explained prudently, 'You see, sir, I don't think my mother would like me to be a pirate. Would your mother like you to be a pirate, Slightly? He winked at Slightly, who said mournfully, 'I don't think so, as if he wished things had been otherwise.