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To this John Gordon gave his ready consent, and was anxious to hear in what way his assistance was to be asked in again putting Mr and Mrs Tookey, with their young children, respectably on their feet. "There are men, you know, stand-off sort of fellows, who think that a woman should never be forgiven." "It must depend on how far the husband has been in fault." "Exactly.

You said something about some property you've got in diamonds, and you said once that you must go out to look after it." "But I'm not going now. I shall sell my share in the mines. I am going to see a Mr Tookey about it immediately." "Can't you sell them to me?" "The diamond shares, to you!" "Why not to me? If the thing has to be done at once, of course you and I must trust each other.

I haven't touched a B. and S. before eleven o'clock since I have been in London above two or three times. I do mean to do the best I can for my young family." It was the fact that Mr Tookey had three little children boarding out in Kimberley. "And what is the lady doing in London?" "To tell the truth, she's at my lodgings." "Oh h!" "I do admit it. She is."

His idea of the diamond-fields was disturbed by the promised return of his late partner and his wife. "And you mean to reduce me to this misery?" asked Mr Tookey. "I don't care a straw for your misery." "What!" "Not for your picture of your misery.

Gordon and Tookey put the old Stick-in-the-Mud into the hands of competent lawyers, and came home together. "I am not at all sure that I shall sell," John Gordon had said. "But I thought that you offered it." "Yes; for money down. For the sum named I will sell now. But if I start from here without completing the bargain, I shall keep the option in my own hands.

"The old gentleman's got a gift. Why, the Squire used to invite him to take a glass, only to hear him sing the "Red Rovier"; didn't he, Mr. Macey? It's a nat'ral gift. There's my little lad Aaron, he's got a gift he can sing a tune off straight, like a throstle. But as for you, Master Tookey, you'd better stick to your "Amens": your voice is well enough when you keep it up in your nose.

With a fellow-passenger, whose husband has been your partner, you must quarrel bitterly or be warm friends. Upon the whole, he thought that he could not travel to South Africa with Mr and Mrs Fitzwalker Tookey. And then he understood what the man's tongue would do if he were there for a month in advance.

In that case I will let you know what arrangement I may propose to make about the Kimberley claim. At any rate, I may say this, I shall not go back in the same vessel with you." "I thought it would have been so comfortable." "You and Mrs Tookey would find yourself more at your ease without me." "Not in the least. Don't let that thought disturb you.

Why, you've never heared me say "Amen" since you come into these parts, and I recommend you to lose no time, for it'll be poor work when Tookey has it all to himself, for I mayn't be equil to stand i' the desk at all, come another winter." Here Mr. Macey paused, perhaps expecting some sign of emotion in his hearer; but not observing any, he went on.

If I were to be asked my opinion, I should say that the transaction was hardly one in the gentleman's way of business." "I suppose an honest man may work at it," said Mr Whittlestaff. "It's the honestest business I know out," said Fitzwalker Tookey; "but it does require a gentleman to have his eyes about him." "Haven't I got my eyes?"