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They laughed as they received the caution, and walked together towards St. Just. "Lev us go see if the toobs are all safe," said Maggot, on reaching the common. Tonkin agreed, and they turned aside into a narrow track, which led across the waste land, where the search for the baby had been so diligently carried on all that day.

"Here's something to put inside you " she called to the perspiring colored woman who was washing and the tiny white person who was laboriously darning thin net, "something to think on save work." She stole a keen glance at the seamstress. "Yours goes on this bit of table; Susy, put down the top of your toobs and get a stool." Ah, that food! Even Margot couldn't cook like Molly O'Reilly.

He wondered it had not occurred to him that, with a big attraction at the theatre, some of the staff might feel an inclination to visit it. He did not stop to say goodbye to his brother. Descending from his perch, he hurried to the stage door. "It's in the toobs that I feel it, sir." said the door-keeper, as he let him out, resuming their conversation as if they had only just parted.

"The boys will be mustering now," said John, "an' them theere daws have kep' us late enough already." "They do say that the boatsmen are informed about the toobs," observed Maggot. "More need to look alive," said John. "Hallo!" exclaimed Maggot suddenly; "there's some wan in the shaft!" He pointed to a neighbouring mound of rubbish, on which, just as he spoke, a man made his appearance.

Presently, Annie, the laundress, put her frowsy head in at the door. She was a queer, warm-hearted Irish girl; her big arms were still streaming from the tub, and her apron was wet. "Ahl alone?" said Annie, with a broad smile. "Yes; come in, won't you, Annie?" said little Alanna. "I cahn't. I'm at the toobs," said Annie, coming in, nevertheless.

An' he'd got the tooth-paste toobs, an' squoze out the insides, an' painted over every bit o' mahogany he could find doors, an' furnitur', an' all. You can take it from me, that house was a sight after the angel-child got through with it.

'Bass is one of them fag-fiends that can't live without a cigarette, and wouldn't die happy if he wasn't smokin' one. 'E breathes more smoke than 'e does air, an' 'e ought to 'ave a permanent chimney-sweep detailed to clear the soot out of 'is lungs an' breathin' toobs.