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He can give you a beautiful home, and jewels such as a queen might envy, while the captain can give you nothing." "He can give me a brave, loving heart, which is worth all the world to me! No; while Luiz lives I will be true to him. No other shall steal my love from him," firmly. "Is that the answer I am to give Tonza?" "Yes.

I hate him; but now poor Luiz is dead, I care not who becomes my husband," hopelessly. "I wish it were other than Tonza, Lianor. I cannot trust him; nor will I believe but what he had a hand in Luiz's death." "That is what I think, but papa says it is only fancy; Manuel is too upright to do such a treacherous thing."

So Luiz parted from his love, and returned to Diu, carrying in his heart a cherished memory of Lianor, and a tiny miniature of her in his breast-pocket. When he arrived at the governor's palace, he went directly to Manuel Tonza, to inform him of his departure.

Lianor reeled against the bed, and held firmly to the silken curtains to prevent herself falling. "Do you mean this, father? His wife when he murdered Luiz?" "What nonsense are you saying, child? Do not let me hear you speak like this again. What motive could a wealthy man like Tonza have in getting rid of one of his own employes? Grief has turned your brain.

By aid of the fast-breaking dawn, they could see the line of high, dark rocks, upon which the ship had met her fate. With much difficulty and peril, under the captain's cool directions, the crew managed at last to leave the sinking vessel, not without much loss of life. Out of nearly five hundred only a few arrived in safety, amongst whom were Tonza, his wife, children, Savitre, and Panteleone.

But it was useless; Lianor was dead; her head having struck against a rock, caused instant unconsciousness, from which they could not rouse her. When Tonza realized the awful truth he rose to his feet, pale and haggard, his eyes full of despairing anguish. "It is just; my sin is punished. My wife, the only thing I loved on earth, for whose sake I committed crime, is taken from me!

Tonza who, now the captain had perished, placed himself at the head of the crew was the first to put his foot upon the crossing; then, turning to the people, he said: "Be careful, and not glance behind or down, or you will lose your balance and fall." Lianor, who, by her husband's wish, had given her child to one of the men, followed closely behind Manuel, who held his boy in his arms.

You know how much I desire to see you wedded to my friend; a man who loves you and will make you happy. I shall not live long, of that I feel sure. Manuel Tonza has waited patiently, and I think it is only right you give him hope. To-day you will accept his hand, and in another week, with my consent, you will become his wife."

I am sure if he knew how terribly you were persecuted he would fly to you at once," Savitre whispered softly. "I feel miserable unhappy. Lalli, put away those robes and give me a plain black dress. During Luiz's absence I will put on mourning, so Tonza can read the sorrow I feel in my heart." "But, dear, what will your father say?" Savitre asked anxiously. "He will be angry, I know.

"What, Falcam, is it you, my boy?" the don cried gladly, wringing the young man's hand. "Yes, senor. I have some papers from Tonza. There has been a slight rising at Diu, but, fortunately, we were able to suppress it in time," handing the don a sealed packet. After casting his eyes rapidly over the contents, Don Garcia smiled and turned with a pleased look towards the captain.