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The aristocracy will be as ready to "administer" Collectivism as they were to administer Puritanism or Manchesterism; in some ways such a centralized political power is necessarily attractive to them. It will not be so hard as some innocent Socialists seem to suppose to induce the Honorable Tomnoddy to take over the milk supply as well as the stamp supply at an increased salary. Mr.

There is the same lofty intellectual forehead, the same proud eagle-glance, the same haughty carriage; the same now, tell me, Tomnoddy, upon your honour as an officer and a gentleman, did you ever in your life before see such an extraordinary resemblance?"

I really hadn't a farthing in my pocket at the time, or I wouldn't have allowed Tomkins to borrow it from you and it was awfully stupid of me to let you go away without saying where I could send it to you." "Pray do not say anything further about it, Mr , Mr ." "I am Lord Southdown, at your service not Lord Tomnoddy, as my whimsical friend Tomkins dubbed me the other day.

The ordinary man and woman have just as much of the stuff of tragedy and comedy in their lives as the Lord Tomnoddy or Lady Fitzboodle, and as there are many more of them thank Heaven! than the lords and ladies, the masses afford a far more fertile field for the psychological student of life and character than the classes. They are, besides, much less artificial.

On the appearance of that individual, Fitz-Johnes, with a truly lordly air, ordered in three bottles of port; sagely remarking that he made a point of never drinking less than a bottle himself; and as his friend Hawkesley was known to have laid down the same rule, the third bottle was a necessity unless Lord Tomnoddy was to go without.

The subsoil ploughing; the pheasants and poaching; the row about the representation of the county; the Earl of Mangelwurzelshire being at variance with his relative and nominee, the Honourable Marmaduke Tomnoddy; all these I could put down, had I a mind to violate the confidence of private life; and a great deal of conversation about the weather, the Mangelwurzelshire Hunt, new manures, and eating and drinking, of course.

He smelt at the roses, and turned the letter this way and that. His name was correctly worded on the outside. With an odd reluctance to open it, he kept trifling over the flowers, and then broke the broad seal, and these are the words that met his eyes: 'Mr. 'You have made up your mind to be a tailor, instead of a Tomnoddy. You're right. Not too many men in the world plenty of nincompoops.

I call it plumb equal to tellin' you you're a reg'lar tomnoddy to say a fellar's uther 'clever' or 'good. I 'low little stutterin' Monty Sturtevant could ha' done the chores well enough till I get 'round again, an' I could ha' bossed him." Then, after a moment: "But I can't boss the deacon." "No, you poor old grumbler! I reckon he isn't that kind.

I certainly had not; nor had I, up to that moment, any idea that Lord Tomnoddy was other than a mythical personage; but I did not choose to parade my ignorance in such matters, so I replied by a polite bow. There was silence between us for a moment; and then Fitz-Jones or Fitz- Johnes, rather raised his hand to his forehead with a thoughtful air and murmured: "Hawkesley! Hawkesley!

Lord Tomnoddy Mr Richard Hawkesley, just nominated to the Daphne. And I suppose I ought also to introduce myself. I am Lord Montague Fitz-Jones. You have, of course, heard of the Fitz-Jones family the Fitz-J-o-h-n-e-s's, you know?"