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On the gable end of the building, still fast in the wall, may be seen a cannon ball which was fired from the British ship, Liverpool. The church stands in the customary grave yard of those days, and contains the remains of persons interred as early as 1700. Near the door stands the tomb-stone of Col. Samuel Boush, who gave the land on which this house of worship stands.

The cemetery contains many other monuments; with the exception of one or two by Launitz, and an exquisite Death Angel in sandstone, from a young Frankfort sculptor, they are not remarkable. The common tomb-stone is a white wooden cross; opposite the entrance is a perfect forest of them, involuntarily reminding one of a company of ghosts, with outstretched arms.

Whereupon, Miss Jessamine sent a servant to the churchyard, who found Tony Johnson lying on a tomb-stone, very sick, and having ceased to entertain any hopes of his own recovery. If it could be possible that any "unpleasantness" could arise between two such amiable neighbors as Miss Jessamine and Mrs.

Harris visited the grave of her husband; and the generous brother attended to the erection of a suitable tomb-stone, as the widow had before been unable to meet the expenses of it. Passing through the Upper Province they reached Montreal, whence they sailed for England.

As also the dry passage of the Children of Israel through the Red Sea; and the Budding of Aarons Rod, are all supernatural. In brief, the Resurrection of Christ the Eternal Son of God out of the grave, for all the Tomb-stone, his appearing to the two men going to Emas, his revealing himself to his Disciples when the Door was lock'd, are all Divine and Supernatural.

A giant felled to the ground unable to rise. The whole earth is its sepulchre. And its books? the epitaph engraved upon its tomb-stone...." Though Gordon was the most distinguished, he was not the only representative of the anti-Rabbinic school in the neo-Hebrew literature.

She was there, sitting on an old tomb-stone, as if overwhelmed, shivering in all her limbs under the chilling torrent of rain which a pitiless sky was pouring without interruption over her light party-dress. I seized her two hands, trying to raise her up. "Ah! unhappy child! what have you done!" "Yes, most unhappy!" she murmured, in a voice as faint as a breath. "But you are killing yourself."

John river is shown by the fact that he was elected a member of the Nova Scotia House of Assembly for the County of Sunbury. He returned to Miramichi about the time the Loyalists came to the province, and died there in 1790. His tomb-stone in the old cemetery on Beaubair's Island bears the following inscription:

Several of the modest brown stones, on which were recorded in Dutch the names and virtues of the patriarchs, had disappeared, and had been succeeded by others of white marble, with urns and wreaths, and scraps of English tomb-stone poetry, marking the intrusion of taste and literature and the English language in this once unsophisticated Dutch neighborhood.

F. T. T. Havergal succeeded in getting the Bishop’s remains and tomb-stone removed to Hereford Cathedral a few years later, in 1867. *Humphrey Humphreys*, A.D. 1701-1712, a Welshman, was translated to Hereford from Bangor. He is said to have been a good antiquary.