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Kendal was mortally angry, and his face grew dark. He strode up to her and grasped her shoulder, his fingers unwittingly clinching deeply into the soft flesh. "For Heaven's sake, stop, you tom-boy!" he cried. "Stop disgracing me!" She flung up her little head proudly. If he had spoken to her alone she would not have cared, but before all these people! Oh, it was unbearable.

"You have had a rough time of it lately," he commented as he and the two girls made their way to the school. "But Alice is a a brick!" declared Tavia, in appreciation of her friend's assistance. "She helped us splendidly." "Glad to hear it," answered the father, "Alice is our tom-boy, but she is true-blue, eh, Bob?" he said patting his daughter affectionately.

The young man buried his mother on Friday, and on Saturday came down to Putnam's for his usual week-end. Boy asked her mother if he had spoken to her about his trouble. "No," said Mrs. Woodburn. "Then he shall to me," said the girl, with determination. He should not bottle up his grief. That would be bad for him. The mother in the girl was emerging from the tom-boy very fast.

Her mother, moreover, was manifestly proud that the child wasn't "one of those long-legged, gangling tom-boy girls, who seem so backward" and wear pigtails and chew slate pencils and dream. The gilded youths who boarded at the Hotel Metropole began to notice her.

She ceased to be a wild and reckless tom-boy, she ceased to defy her mother in small matters; her character seemed to gain strength, and her face, always strong in its expression and giving many indications of latent power of character, looked now more serious than gay, more sweet and thoughtful than fastidious and discontented.

The blue eyes flashed as Carl Walraven had never seen them flash before; the pink-tinged cheeks flamed rose-red; but her voice never rose, and she kept her quaint seat on the stool. "Cricket! Cricket! Cricket!" was "guardy's" reproachful cry. "You dear old thing! You wouldn't like to lose your hateful little tom-boy, would you? Well, you shan't, either. I only meant to scare you that time.

As she dressed she sang, and when she ran downstairs she whistled a plantation melody with such precision and clearness that Loftus exclaimed, "Oh, how shocking!" and Mabel rolled up her eyes, and said sagely, that no one ever could turn Kate into anything but a tom-boy. "Girls, what are we to do after breakfast?" asked the brother.

"I don't know," replied she, "unless the girlish boy has lost the charm of his sex, that is manliness; and the tom-boy has lost the defect of hers a kind of selfish dependence." "I'm sure the girls like you, don't they? he added. "Not always; and there are lots of girls I can't endure!"

And he was as conscientious in his education of Gabrielle as in the care of his parish. The child matured very quickly. Physically I mean. That is the way in the west. Of course she was a great tom-boy, tall for her years, very frank in her speech and totally unconscious of her sex, as free and virginal as the young Artemis. The world of books to which Mr.

Up and down the crowded hall she raced, a hoydenish little tom-boy, drunk with youth, with freedom, and with the pent-up vitality of years. Close after her, snatching her away from the other dancers only to have her snatched away from him in turn, was Mac Clarke, equally flushed and excited, refusing to listen to Monte's insistent reminder that a storm was brewing and they ought to go home.