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The first reading of certain poems of the Antinous, the Pia Tolomei, the Sonnets to Silvia, had been epochs in Danyers's growth, and the verse seemed to gain in mellowness, in amplitude, in meaning as one brought to its interpretation more experience of life, a finer emotional sense.

Olive said eagerly when they had all kissed her. "I want to see the Duomo first, and then the Palazzo Vecchio but that is only open in the mornings, is it? And this is the Piazza Tolomei, so the house where Pia lived must be quite near." Gemma stared, but made no attempt to answer, and Maria looked confused. "I am afraid you will find us all very stupid, cara," said Carmela, apologetically.

Bernard Ptolomei or Tolomei, who was supposed to be descended from the Ptolemies of Egypt, was born in 1272. Soon after he was suddenly struck with blindness, and the material darkness in which he found himself involved opened his mental sight to the light of religious truth.

While Bernardo Tolomei was founding the Order of Monte Oliveto, Dante penned his letter to the cardinals of Italy: Quomodo sola sedet civitas plena populo: facta est quasi vidua domino gentium. Bernardo and his friends hollowed with their own hands grottos in the rock, and strewed their stone beds with withered chestnut-leaves.

All the others neither understand nor esteem painting." "They do well," said M. Angelo. But Master Lactancio Tolomei, who had not spoken for some time, proceeded in this manner: "We Italians have this very great advantage over all other nations in this great world, in the knowledge and honour of all the illustrious and most worthy arts and sciences.

"Not very much, but really I see very little of her. I am out all day teaching." The door-bell clanged as the girl rose to go. "That is Carolina come for her stray sheep," she said, smiling. "They will not believe that I can come home by myself at night." "They are quite right. If your aunt's servant did not come for you I should take you back to the Piazza Tolomei myself."

She had bought a table and two chairs and a shelf for her books at a second-hand furniture shop near the Duomo, and had given her first lesson there two days later, and soon the quiet place seemed more like home to her than the stuffy flat in the Piazza Tolomei. What matter if she came to it breathless from climbing five flights of stairs?

In the Sacristy of the Friars of the Carmine is a picture by the hand of the same master, wherein is a very beautiful Nativity of Our Lady, with some nurses; and on the corner near the Piazza de' Tolomei he painted in fresco, for the Guild of Shoemakers, a Madonna with the Child in her arms, S. John, S. Francis, S. Rocco, and S. Crispino, the Patron Saint of the men of that Guild, who has a shoe in his hand.

Comparing Monte Oliveto with similar districts of cretaceous soil with the country, for example, between Pienza and San Quirico we perceive how much is owed to the monks whom Bernardo Tolomei planted here. So far as it is clothed at all with crop and wood, this is their service.

The Tolomei upon this occasion adorned their palaces and threw them open to the people of Siena. The Republic hailed with acclamation the early honours of a noble, born to be one of their chief leaders. Soon after this event Mino obtained for his son from the Emperor the title of Cæsarian Knight; and when the diploma arrived, new festivities proclaimed the fortunate youth to his fellow-citizens.