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Waal, I'm going to send some hands down below to trim a few of them bales you see there up level with the tops of the beams; then we'll lay a couple of thicknesses of planking over all, which 'll make a tol'able floor; and then I'm going to have a sail nailed fore and aft to the deck-beams, dividing the space into two, one for the women-folks and one for the men; and another sail hung athwart-ships 'll make all sorter snug and private; and I guess you'll have to make yourselves as comfortable as you can down there.

When we made out it was Rollin, we knew, if he was drunk, he was tol'able well acquainted with the rocks along shore, and 'ud probably put further out when he got through showin' off. We didn't worry about 'em, nor think no more about 'em, in special. The boys didn't want to talk to rile George Olver.

Merrick wouldn't let us go to the door," replied Rodney. "She was the coolest one in the kitchen." "She's got tol'able grit, Nance has," replied the farmer, and there was just a tinge of pride in his tones when he said it. "I may happen over t'other side the ridge some night, and then the tables will be turned t'other way. Now, if you are ready, we'll make tracks for the swamp. The way is clear.

He wondered if Tol'able had done him that act of loyalty. It had, probably, fatally wounded its object. He turned with a swift, silent look of inquiry to Tol'able. The other, unmoved, dexterously shifted a mouthful of tobacco. "Whoever did that," he observed, "could sure throw a rock." A crowd gathered swiftly, cautious and murmuring.

"Come in," he shouted, when he heard Bud's stamping feet on the porch. "Come in and warm. Who's sick, Melissa or the baby?" Bud unwound the scarf that protected his ears, shook the water from his jacket, and began to untie the strings that secured pieces of sacking to his feet. "Ne'er one. M'lissy's tol'able, 'n the baby's right smart.

He wiped the blood from his young brow; from his eyes miraculously blue like an ineffable May sky. "Just a tol'able David," he muttered weakly "only just tol'able!" The train rolling rapidly over the broad salt meadows thunderously entered the long shed of the terminal at the sea. August Turnbull rose from his seat in the Pullman smoking compartment and took down the coat hanging beside him.

It was a gentler gospel than he had ever preached before, and in the congregation there were many eyes as wet as his own. "Robbie," he said, when the service was over, "I believe I had to come up here to be converted." And Robbie smiled. Six Scene Race track. Enter old coloured man, seating himself. "Oomph, oomph. De work of de devil sho' do p'ospah. How 'do, suh? Des tol'able, thankee, suh.

I'd ruther shoot a man an' not kill him, than to be the cause of makin' him look ridiculous before a woman that is, a revengeful sneak like what Bill Andrews was. As soon as he an' Dick got through with their talk, an' it was a purty tol'able lengthy confab at that, Bill Andrews went to the boss an' tendered in his resignation.

We had about a ton o' stuff cooked, 'cause we was tol'able thoroughly experienced on the neighbors. Folks out our way ain't nowise uppity about such matters.

"When a feller an' a gal washes their hands in the same basin at the same time, it's a tol'able good sign they won't git married this year." The oracle spoke through the bearded lips of a farmer perched on the top step of his cabin porch. The while he construed omens, a setter pup industriously gnawed at his boot-heels.