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Toko, you are henceforth the great god's Shadow!" Felix gazed at the beautiful, heartless creature, all horrified. Even on Boupari, that cannibal island, he was hardly prepared for quite so low a depth of savage insensibility. But all the people around, now a hundred or more, standing naked before their new god, took up the shout in concert. "The body of Lavita, the son of Sami," they cried.

The Grand Chew Chew was standing beside the throne scowling horribly. "I think I can arrange for you to hear," muttered the Wizard of Oz, and taking a queer magic instrument from his pocket, he whispered "Aohbeeobbuy." Instantly they heard the jolly voice of Happy Toko singing: Oh shine his shoes of silver, And brush his silver queue, For I am but an Emperor And he's the Grand Chew Chew!

Snatching off the silver cord from around his waist, he began skipping rope up and down the hall. The Princes, tapping their foreheads significantly, retired, and the Scarecrow, throwing his arm around Happy Toko, began whispering in his ear. He had a plan himself. They would see!

The Scarecrow packed into the camel's sacks a few little souvenirs for the people of Oz. Then they dressed Happy Toko in the Scarecrow's most splendid robe and ordered him to sit upon the throne. Next, the Scarecrow rang for one of the palace servants and ordered the people of the Silver Islands to assemble in the hall.

Why, they haven't even set a place for you, Happy!" "I'd rather sit here, amiable Master," sighed Happy Toko happily. "Is the little fan safely closed?" The Scarecrow felt in his pocket to make sure, then leaned forward in surprise. The Royal Silver Army were marching stiffly into the hall, and the courtiers were bobbing and bowing and cheering like mad.

And going to the waggon he produced half-a-dozen rockets. "One of those will do," observed his father, "for we may want the rest for another emergency. However, you can carry a couple in case one should fail." Led by Toko, we proceeded along the defile, when, on reaching some high ground, we saw, collected together below us among the rocks, an immense number of lions.

More than once Toko shook his head, sagely, "If only any one dared break the Great Taboo," he said, with some terror on his face, "our people would be glad. It would greatly please them. They are tired of this Tu-Kila-Kila. He has held the god in his breast far, far too long. They would willingly see some other in place of him."

"I should like to take possession of the animal," said Harry, "it doesn't appear to be at all injured, and if we could manage to break it in, it would make a capital riding horse. If you'll watch the pit, I'll go and get some of the men to come with ropes." To this I agreed, and he soon returned with Toko and two other men, bringing not only ropes, but a large sack and a saddle.

Happy Toko had removed his imperial hat and was standing on his head to the great delight of the whole court, and a host of little Silver Islander boys were peeking in at the windows. "Now doesn't that look cheerful?" asked the Scarecrow delightedly. "I knew he'd make a good Emperor." "I wish we would hear what he's saying," said Dorothy. "Oh, do look at Chew Chew!"

The "little bit in" settled Matteo completely. Something seemed to crack in the wretched Greek's throat, and he dropped back. "Monday, Monday!" said Harvey, eagerly, "where are they?" "Hullo, Massa Dick!" said faithful Monday; "I'se gwine to give this fellar toko an' den I'll jine yar." "He's done for," said Dick, hastily. "Come now." "He might come too," said Monday, in some doubt. "No fear."