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'Miss Pecksniff! says Mrs Todgers, softly, 'will you ? 'Oh dear, no more, Mrs Todgers. Mrs Todgers rises; the two Miss Pecksniffs rise; all rise. Miss Mercy Pecksniff looks downward for her scarf. Where is it? Dear me, where CAN it be? Sweet girl, she has it on; not on her fair neck, but loose upon her flowing figure. A dozen hands assist her. She is all confusion.

'And now, said Mrs Todgers, 'now he is the meekest of men. You can almost bring the tears into his eyes by looking at him. He sits with me the whole day long on Sundays, talking in such a dismal way that I find it next to impossible to keep my spirits up equal to the accommodation of the boarders. His only comfort is in female society.

'Gone, Miss Pecksniff, Mrs Todgers answered. 'She had appointed to be home. 'Ah! said Charity, looking at Tom. 'Oh, dear me! 'She's greatly altered since she's been Anoth since she's been married, Mrs Todgers! observed Moddle. 'My dear Augustus! said Miss Pecksniff, in a low voice. 'I verily believe you have said that fifty thousand times, in my hearing. What a Prose you are!

'Go downstairs, you vicious boy, said Mrs Todgers, holding the door open. 'Do you hear me? Go along! After two or three dexterous feints, he went, and was seen no more that night, save once, when he brought up some tumblers and hot water, and much disturbed the two Miss Pecksniffs by squinting hideously behind the back of the unconscious Mrs Todgers.

He sits apart, with his elbow on the back of a vacant chair, and glares disdainfully at Jinkins. Gander, in a convulsing speech, gives them the health of Bailey junior; hiccups are heard; and a glass is broken. Mr Jinkins feels that it is time to join the ladies. He proposes, as a final sentiment, Mrs Todgers. She is worthy to be remembered separately. Hear, hear. So she is; no doubt of it.

'It goes against my wishes to have it in progress just now, I assure you, sir, said Mrs Todgers; 'but Miss Pecksniff's mind was set upon it, and it really is time that Miss Pecksniff was married. That cannot be denied, sir. 'No, said Mr Chuzzlewit, 'assuredly not. Her sister takes no part in the proceedings? 'Oh, dear no, sir.

Do that again, will yer? 'He's the most dreadful child, said Mrs Todgers, setting down the dish, 'I ever had to deal with. The gentlemen spoil him to that extent, and teach him such things, that I'm afraid nothing but hanging will ever do him any good. 'Won't it! cried Bailey. 'Oh! Yes! Wot do you go a-lowerin the table-beer for then, and destroying my constitooshun?

Was it not cruel, CRUEL! Oh, my goodness, have you not been a witness of my feelings have you not seen them flowing from my eyes did you not, yourself, reproach me with weeping more than usual on that dreadful night when last we met in that house where I once was peaceful though blighted in the society of Mrs Todgers!

Your pa was kind enough, added the good lady, 'to invite me to take a ride with you to-day; and I think he mentioned that you were going to call upon Miss Pinch. Any relation to the gentleman you were speaking of just now, Miss Pecksniff? 'For goodness sake, Mrs Todgers, interposed the lively Merry, 'don't call him a gentleman. My dear Cherry, Pinch a gentleman! The idea!

She called their attention to an oval miniature, like a little blister, which was tacked up over the kettle-holder, and in which there was a dreamy shadowing forth of her own visage. 'It's a speaking likeness! cried the two Miss Pecksniffs. 'It was considered so once, said Mrs Todgers, warming herself in a gentlemanly manner at the fire; 'but I hardly thought you would have known it, my loves.