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Yan feebly agreed, but had much difficulty in seeing what the plant had in common with the others. "An' luk here! Thayer ye got Lowbelier, that some calls Injun tobaccer. Ye found this by the crick, an' it's a little airly ahead o' toime. That's the shtuff to make ye throw up when ye want to. Luk, ain't that lafe the livin' shape of a shtummick?

And when both of them misses their guess it is time fur another visit to the back room. Was we selling something? We was. Was we selling fruit trees? We wasn't. Finally, after every one has a chew of natcheral leaf tobaccer all around, one prominent citizen makes so bold as to ast us very courteous if he might enquire what it was we was selling. The doctor says medicine.

I'll get a bigger club if ye don't look spry," and so the tramp was served with his meal. "Now bring me some tobaccer." Yan hobbled into the teepee and reached down Sam's tobacco bag. "Here, what's that box? Bring that out here," and the tramp pointed to the box in which they kept some spare clothes. Yan obeyed in fear and trembling. "Open it." "I can't. It's locked, and Sam has the key."

Spriggins was a motherly and kind woman, careful, industrious and economical, but she had one bad habit that of scolding. "Mother could no more live without scoldin' than dad could live without his tobaccer," was Moses' frequent comment when beyond the old lady's hearing. The happy first-born was dear to Mrs.

In the street, out of friends, out of Christmas, and left both ways, no tobaccer and no flapjacks. Now, Bill, what do yu' say to us putting up a Christmas deal together? Just you and me?" "I'd like that," said Billy. "Is it all day?" "I was thinkin' of all day," said Lin. "I'll not make yu' do anything yu'd rather not." "Ah, they can smoke without me," said Billy, with sudden acrimony.

Many's the time I've sot on the doorstep here enjoyin' a smoke with the rain comin' down so hard it'd wash the tobaccer right out o' the pipe, an' twice er maybe it was three times it biled over an' What's that you say?" "I did not say anything, Phineas," said the girl, shaking her head mournfully. "I am wondering, though, where you will go when you die."

He took up the lantern and lighted the tallow wick from one of the candles. Then he fished a corncob pipe from his coattail pocket and stuffed it full of tobacco from a small buckskin bag hanging at the end of the mantel. "He'p yourself to tobaccer if you keer to smoke.

But you kin only write one letter once in three months yourself, an' if you want anything like tobaccer or the like o' that, from the store-room, you gotta sign an order for it, if you got any money with the warden, an' then I can git it for you." The old man was really above taking small tips in the shape of money.

Davis was, and Bud says he was so dern foolish about law and order he had to up and shoot a man, about fifteen years ago, who hearn him talking that-a-way and said he reminded him of a Boston school teacher. But Miss Lucy and Bud, they tells me what all them night-ridings is fur. It seems this here tobaccer trust is jest as mean and low-down and unprincipled as all the rest of them trusts.

"What with the damned flies, and the tramps, and a pesky thing called Sybylla, a man's life ain't worth a penny to him," said uncle. We fell into silence, which was broken presently by a dirty red-bearded face appearing over the garden gate, and a man's voice: "Good day, boss! Give us a chew of tobaccer?" "I'm not the boss," said uncle with assumed fierceness. "Then who is?" inquired the man.