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I'll be back in the game to-morrow." "To-morry!" exclaimed Irish, eying the swollen and discolored member with a grin. "Yis; ut'll be to-morry, all right. But 'tis a shame to waste so much toime. Av ye c'd git th' boss to put ye on noight shift icin' th' skidways, ye wudn't have to wait so long." "It's a fact, Irish," laughed Bill. "I go on at 4 A.M. to-morrow." "Fure A.M., is ut?

Shaver's goin' to have 'is own porridge bowl to-morry yes, sir-ee, oo is, little Shaver!" Restored to the table, Shaver opened his mouth in obedience to The Hopper's patient pleading and swallowed a spoonful of the mush, Humpy holding the bowl out of sight in tactful deference to the child's delicate æsthetic sensibilities. A tumbler of milk was sipped with grateful gasps.

I've been a-trying to read some about him while I set here. And I read where he said somethin about doing fer the least of his brethren being as the same like as if it was done fer Jesus Christ his-self. Now there's Shocky. I reckon, p'r'aps, as anybody is a little brother of Jesus Christ, it is that Shocky. Pete Jones and his brother Bill is determined to have him back there to-morry.

"I don't believe they're half so bad as people say," cried Goldboy stoutly. "Maybe no," rejoined Black. "The place is paradise to-day, as you sagaciously remarked, Jerry, but if the Kawfirs come it'll be pandemonium to-morry. It's my opinion that we should get oursel's into a defensible camp as soon as we can, an' than gae aboot our wark wi' easy minds.

"He air mine now," she answered slowly, raising her head, "and I stays here with him till he dies." "Nope; ye be a-comin' to my shanty to-morry. Mammy air expectin' ye.... And ye'll be glad to come afore I gets done with ye!" Tess shivered. She remembered Myra's broken wrist, and heard again the woful cry from the other squatter girl as she told of the harm done her.

It was what could be expected so her voice implied; if she left the shanty alone, the rightful owner could then take back what the law would not allow if the squatters remained. "Ye be a goin' to stay here to-morry?" asked Tess later by five minutes. "If I may." "Be ye goin' to tell me what ye air hidin' for?" Frederick threw back his head and laughed. He had forgotten to tell her. "Of course.

I was tryin' to think what I could do to make this house fit fer her to stay in; fer, you see, stranger, they's no movin' on tell to-morry, fer though the rain's stopped, I 'low you can't git that buggy over afore to-morry mornin'. But blam'd ef 'ta'n't too bad fer sech as her to stay in sech a cabin!

Another way they differed from the ocean, the water hain't there all the time, only once in awhile. Josiah, bent on findin' fault, sez: "Pretty oceans they be! Dry land most all the time." But I sez, "I've always wished the Atlantic would dry up long enough for me to go over afoot or with the old mair, like the Israelites over the Red Sea, I'd start to-morry." I'm afraid of deep water.

If I put my week's wages that I'll git to-morry on to this, I'm short half of it." "Sure, Andy, I'll let you have it all if you want it. You keep what you've got. She's me own sister. On'y I'll have to wait a while, for I don't want to fetch into the Sisters any less money than I've spoke to Sister Agnes about." "I'm a-goin' to pay ye back every cint of it, Mag, and God bless ye!

"'Mighty likely, says Peets, 'we gets a message from her to-morry, when Old Monte trails in. That'll tell us what to expect. I'm like you-all, however; I don't allow thar's a morsel of doubt about that mother comin'. "'Which I shorely hopes she does, says Texas 'an' I yereby drinks to it, an' urges every gent likewise.