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Mr Denning laughed, and I saw him turn his back to the direction in which Mr Frewen had gone. "Tlat!" went Bob Hampton's lips in a loud smack. "Glad when they gents come back, for I want some o' your young lady's hot coffee, bless her! to take the taste o' the hyle out o' my mouth."

"An honorable friend, who stands high in the state and in the nation, was present at the burial of a female slave in Mississippi, who had been whipped to death at the stake by her master, because she was gone longer of an errand to the neighboring town than her master thought necessary. Under the lash she protested tlat she was ill, and was obliged to rest in the fields.

"Oh Dula!" exclaimed Minnie; and she uttered a few words in the Malay tongue that sent the woman rustling past the cut boughs beneath the attap awning, to return directly and gladden the eyes of Peter with a basket containing a heap of bananas and a couple of native-made cakes. "Ah!" sighed Peter. "Don't they look lovely in the moonlight! Tlat!" he added, with a hearty smack of his lips.

He had some beautiful china too; and the feed itself tlat!" said Bob, smacking his lips. "I wish you had been there." "I wish I had," sighed Tom Long. "Getting well's worse than being wounded." "Never mind; you'll soon be all right," continued Bob. "Well, we had some good fish, nicely cooked, and some stunning curry; the best I ever ate; and we had sambals, as they call 'em, with it."