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An old hat stuffed into one pane of glass, and an old flannel petticoat, as yaller as jaundice, in another, finish off the front; an old pair of breeches, and the pad of a bran' new cart-saddle worn out, titivate the eend, while the backside is all closed up on account of the wind.

His "missus" was an animal of his own species, but she was duller and didn't bellow. He had a rather good-looking girl there I don't know whether she was his daughter or not. They said that when he saw the shearers coming he'd say, "Run and titivate yourself, Mary; here comes the shearers!"

Darius had told him to `titivate himself, a most startling injunction from Darius, and thus the new costly suit had been, as it were, officially blessed and henceforth could not be condemned. "How do, Teddy?" Charlie greeted him. "I've just been in to see you at your shop." Edwin paused. "Hello! The Sunday!" he said quietly.

The ball was a neat little matter of fifty-five miles away, across country, so she had to start tolerably early, of course, in order to have comfortable time to "titivate," as Pip expressed it. The children, as compensation for having no part in this pleasure, were to have a very, out-of-the-way kind of picnic all to themselves.

There'll only be us three ... no horrid man to fall in love with you.... You needn't put on a low dress ... and we'll go to the dress circle at some play afterwards." Vivie: "But those papers on my desk? I must have your opinion for or against..." Norie: "All right. It's half-past five. I'll give them half an hour's study whilst you wash up the tea things and titivate.

So here I am, at least what is left of me, and dreadful glad I am to see you too; but as it is about your dinner hour I will go and titivate up a bit, and then we will have a dish of chat for desert, and cigars, to remind us of by-gones, as we stroll through your shady walks here."

I sha'n't be long, but it's not possible to start Pussy Battersby off on the first hop. She'll want to titivate a little." "If you think I'll be any use " "Of course you will. You're very nearly as respectable to look at as Pussy Battersby." "I shall hate to see Hilda crying." "Then cheer her up. Good-bye for the present." This time Lalage really did mount the bicycle.

"Except when she ought," said his father; "but listen, Ned dress yourself up, get a buff waistcoat, a green jockey coat, a riding whip, and a pair o' shinin' top-boots, titivate yourself up like a dandy, then go to her wid lavendher water on your pocket-handkerchy, an' you'll see how she'll settle you. Be my sowl, you'll be the happy boy when you get her; don't you think so, Misther Hycy?"

Before we proceed on our way, the foppery of our charioteer reasserts itself. Of course, his neat and spruce trim has been considerably disarrayed, so now he proceeds to reorganize his appearance. Gravely and calmly he draws brushes and so on from a receptacle under the box-seat, and commences to titivate himself. This is too much.

An old hat stuffed into one pane of glass, and an old flannel petticoat, as yaller as jaundice, in another, finish off the front; an old pair of breeches, and the pad of a bran new cart saddle worn out, titivate the eend, while the backside is all closed up on account of the wind.